ebachelet / pyLIMA

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Key error:photometry (space data) in branch Rebranding #59

Closed mpgh closed 1 year ago

mpgh commented 1 year ago

When initialising a PSPLmodel for space-born Gaia data, we are experiencing the key error: photometry. Please find below the traceback:

pspl = PSPL_model.PSPLmodel(gaia_event, parallax=['Full', t0ref]) in MLmodel.init(self, event, parallax, xallarap, orbital_motion, blend_flux_parameter, origin, fancy_parameters) --> 116 self.define_pyLIMA_standard_parameters() in MLmodel.define_pyLIMA_standard_parameters(self) --> 187 self.second_order_model_parameters(model_dictionnary_updated) in MLmodel.second_order_model_parameters(self, model_dictionnary) --> 270 self.event.compute_parallax_all_telescopes(self.parallax_model) in Event.compute_parallax_all_telescopes(self, parallax_model) --> 158 telescope.compute_parallax(parallax_model, self.North, self.East, self.ra*np.pi/180) in Telescope.compute_parallax(self, parallax_model, North_vector, East_vector, right_ascension) --> 311 parallax.parallax_combination(self, parallax_model, North_vector, East_vector, right_ascension) in parallax_combination(telescope, parallax_model, North_vector, East_vector, right_ascension) 197 if (parallax_model[0] == 'Terrestrial') | (telescope.location == 'Space'): --> 199 telescope_positions = -telescope.telescope_positions[data_type] 200 delta_North += np.dot(telescope_positions, North_vector) KeyError: 'photometry'

ebachelet commented 1 year ago

I believe this is fixed with the latest pushed?

mpgh commented 1 year ago

This is correct and occurred because of missing the new telescope syntax.