ebean-orm-tools / ebean-gradle-plugin

Plugin that performs Enhancement (entity, transactional, query bean) and can generate query beans from entity beans written in Kotlin via kapt
Apache License 2.0
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the ebean enhancer isn't silent #20

Closed egandro closed 5 years ago

egandro commented 5 years ago

The ebean gradle plugin isn't "silent" when gradle is started with "-q".

$ gradle -q clean build

We get lot's of messages like this:

ebean-enhance> cls: com/foo/bar/entity/Query msg: enhanced enhancement prior to running tests

Nothing wrong here - but we use -q to have the continious integration build verbose level stripped down just to errors and warnings.

Please patch :)

rbygrave commented 5 years ago

Please submit a patch :)

egandro commented 5 years ago

gradle -q ... >/dev/null

egandro commented 5 years ago

I just found it out :)

You guys are using "logger.info"

According to this: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/custom_plugins.html it's

logger.quiet "Writing message 'Hi from Gradle' to file"

Can you change this?

rbygrave commented 5 years ago

Ok, should be sorted in 11.13.1