ebekker / ACMESharp

An ACME client library and PowerShell client for the .NET platform (Let's Encrypt)
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Get-ACMEVaultProfile do not bring an error message on non existing ProfileNames #337

Open BastianFie opened 6 years ago

BastianFie commented 6 years ago

When I enter:

Get-ACMEVaultProfile -ProfileName "DoNotExists"

I would expect an error like "this profile do not exists", however I do not get anything. Is that working as designed or a bug? I mean other power-shell commands like for example

Get-Content "C:\DoNotExists.txt"

always response with an error message if something didn´t exists. I would expect the same here as well.

Note: I double checked that the profile do not exists via: Get-ACMEVaultProfile -ListProfiles