ebekker / ACMESharp

An ACME client library and PowerShell client for the .NET platform (Let's Encrypt)
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Issue with ACME v2 #373

Closed narcis-mihai closed 4 years ago

narcis-mihai commented 4 years ago

Hi since let's encrypt went to acme v2 the registration does not work and I get this error:

New-ACMERegistration : Account creation on ACMEv1 is disabled. Please upgrade your ACME client to a version that supports ACMEv2 / RFC 8555. See https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/end-of-life-plan-for-acmev1/88430 for details.

Any idea if there is another method to registre using ACMe v2?

sparkyone1973 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I have the same issue, is there a workaround? I'm trying to use https://github.com/intelequia/letsencrypt-aw/blob/master/letsencryptaw.ps1 to create a runbook for Azure automation.

ebekker commented 4 years ago

If you're looking for an ACME v2 compatible client library, please check out ACMESharpCore.

If you're looking for an ACME v2 compatible PowerShell module, please check out ACMESharpCore-PowerShell.