Closed sepisoltani closed 3 years ago
Hello, you are using Tron instead of Ripple. There is no need to use the TrxAddr class directly (in general, to use the Addr classes directly) because it is automatically called by the ToAddress function. The error is simply because you have to remove the first byte of the uncompressed key (which is automatically done by ToAddress).
Thanks . I have changed the code to this:
import binascii
from bip_utils import Bip44, Bip44Coins, Bip44Changes
# Seed bytes
seed_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(b"MY SEED")
# Create from seed
bip44_mst = Bip44.FromSeed(seed_bytes, Bip44Coins.RIPPLE)
# Derive account 0 for Bitcoin: m/44'/0'/0'
bip44_acc = bip44_mst.Purpose().Coin().Account(0)
# Derive the external chain: m/44'/0'/0'/0
bip44_change = bip44_acc.Change(Bip44Changes.CHAIN_EXT)
bip44_addr = bip44_change.AddressIndex(20)
# Print extended keys and address
But as I said, the generated address (rKGF4EmNpgjphTLqxDhq6zAXwkWG9jffEY) is not a valid XRP address. You can check it at Is there any problem ?
I'm not very expert in Ripple, but I think it's because the address has zero balance. I tried to generate an address from zero entropy:
mnemonic = "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about"
seed_bytes = Bip39SeedGenerator(mnemonic).Generate()
bip44_ctx = Bip44.FromSeed(seed_bytes, Bip44Coins.RIPPLE)
bip44_addr_ctx = bip44_ctx.Purpose().Coin().Account(0).Change(Bip44Changes.CHAIN_EXT).AddressIndex(0)
The address generated is: rHsMGQEkVNJmpGWs8XUBoTBiAAbwxZN5v3 Which is the same generated by this website: And it's the same generated by TrustWallet from that seed. So I don't see a problem in address generation.
Hi . Thanks for the great package. I derive BTC,LTC .... address like below from my seed and it works like a charm . But while I'm change it to produce XRP address it doesn't work.
I get this exception belongs to last line of above code :
ValueError: Public uncompressed key is required for Ethereum address
By the way , the address generated in this line successfully :
But is not a valid XRP address. ! Please help