ebertolazzi / Clothoids

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
106 stars 51 forks source link

typo in website #44

Open krcwrhvgyxzqelljes opened 1 month ago

krcwrhvgyxzqelljes commented 1 month ago


Download the library

git clone git@github.com:ebertolazzi/Clothoids.git —recurse-submodules

The text should be - - recursive ... There is only one - visible , wich not clone's include submodules. I thought first the lib submodule links where not valid.

krcwrhvgyxzqelljes commented 3 weeks ago

Btw, thanks for your excellent work !!



ebertolazzi commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks a lot. You show a beautiful graphical interface. Is it open software?

krcwrhvgyxzqelljes commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Mr Ebertolazzi,

Are you professor on university?

That graphical interface is opencascade, it is open source. It has a steep learning curve if you want to start it on your own. Here is the test app code of the video: https://github.com/krcwrhvgyxzqelljes/linuxcnc/tree/master/cmake/projects/qt_occ_biclothoid_fillet

This are standard opencascade functions i made over time : https://github.com/krcwrhvgyxzqelljes/linuxcnc/tree/master/cmake/vendor/occ_draw

My contact wattsapp : https://github.com/grotius-cnc/contact

If you have any request, i can help you with opencascade, or something else. Don't hesitate to contact me.

Did you ever thought about a 3d clothoid curve? I could help you making a test environment in opencascade. But also for other curves i could make a test environment, no problem.

And i have seen one fork off you has the clothoid spline using c++ solver. Are you planning to test a c++ clothoid spline solver in the future?

Greetings from Holland. Michel alias Grotius & Skynet Cyberdyne.