Closed ebeshero closed 6 years ago
Project | Website | GitHub Issues |
Alice in Translation | | GitHub Issues |
2018 Russian Elections | | GitHub Issues |
Gendered Language in Japanese Pop Music | | GitHub Issues |
Magic Realism in the Latin American Boom | | GitHub Issues * Note: This is a private project repo, so we're sending you to Obdurodon's issues board to leave comments. |
Project | Website | GitHub Issues |
Akira: A Textual Analysis | | GitHub Issues |
Rick and Morty | | GitHub Issues |
Karl Frick Overholt Diary | | GitHub Issues |
Only @Pomilui and @dorothealint have been leaving project feedback. This was due yesterday to give all projects timely feedback as you are all working on the final blast of project completion! Reviewing each others’ projects is important—it is good experience for you, may give you ideas for your sites, and of course it should be helpful to the project developers! That is why I made this last assignment worth double homework credit. I will extend this opportunity to give feedback until the end of today (by 11:59pm tonight, Tuesday April 24). Please complete the assignment following the instructions posted above in this issue. @quantum-satire @Pomilui @MarkTheShark01 @dorothealint @garrettjoiner @alexfell06
Project Presentations:
This Friday, April 20 in Pittsburgh and Greensburg, project teams will present their projects at the Cathedral of Learning following the schedule posted on Obdurodon. We ask that everyone try to arrive to the Cathedral of Learning, ground floor computer lab (G-27) between 9 and 9:30am so there is plenty of time to find your way, get set up to present from the computer at the instructor podium, and enjoy some coffee and doughnuts.
Teams should be projecting from their project websites (and/or GitHub and oXygen if you like) to share what you're team has been working on and what you're working to accomplish by the project deadline next Thursday, April 26. Your presentations are worth points to you: being there and presenting is basically the equivalent of two homework assignments. Prepare some good material to share and discuss, because you also want to take this opportunity to invite feedback: Would you like to invite questions about something on your site--the page design, on an SVG you're trying to improve, etc?
Of course, team members and instructors should all of us be sporting our newtFire T-shirts on project day! :-)
GitHub Rounds: (last short writing assignment):
Between now and the end of the day on Monday, April 23, your Very Last Homework for the course (again, worth points to each of you), is to leave commentary on two GitHub repos. To prepare for this:
In your projects: create one issue in your project GitHub specifically called "Project Feedback" (so all the feedback can be collected in one place). If you like, you can list out some things you're specifically hoping people might address.
Each of you should make two separate feedback posts: respond to another team's project 1) at your campus, and 2) at the other campus.
In each post, offer your perspective on: a) something you think is working well or particularly admire about the project as you see it, and b) something you'd like to see developed more or differently on the site, and any feedback the project designers have specifically invited.
Watch for replies to your posts, and please do engage in conversation when that's helpful! (Someone might try to make a CSS adjustment in response to your feedback, and might want you to take another look and see what you think, for example.) This is the time to reach out and help.
Instructor Team: please monitor the conversations on the projects you're working with and pitch into the conversation with the benefit of your experience. This is really important as the projects are moving into the "home stretch" and nearing completion.
If the Pittsburgh students participate with us, this should ensure that every project gets some feedback from members of both classes. You could choose to prepare some feedback starting today (Wed. 4/18) based on what you're seeing, or wait until the presentations in your class on Friday. I don't need to say this, but please be respectful of each other's work here, and realize that everything is in heated progress right now!
I'll post a followup message here with links to projects and repos. @quantum-satire @Pomilui @MarkTheShark01 @dorothealint @garrettjoiner @alexfell06 @jonhoranic @djbpitt @gabikeane @zme1 @amk231