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Project Proposal 3/3: GIANT STEPS and Tommy Flanagan #755

Closed bryant-bolyen closed 4 years ago

bryant-bolyen commented 4 years ago

I've actually been mulling this one over all weekend because it's exciting and also a bit terrifying and possibly beyond the scope of our abilities as English/IT/Math students - but that kinda just makes me want to try it more.

Unless I'm mistaken, using music as a text in this class isn't often done.

This is John Coltrane's infamous Giant Steps: Alt text

(Markdown doesn't support embedding - click on the image for YouTube)

This song is legendary, and, under the hood, scary. Coltrane wrote a monster that's simultaneously in the keys of B, G and E flat (three tones separated major thirds that otherwise have nothing to do with each other); flies along at 300 bpm; and nearly killed Coltrane's friend - the godlike pianist Tommy Flanagan - during his solo their first time through in 1959:

This is the sound of a man in over his head.

There are numerous urban legends and old wives tales about what happened to Flanagan's solo in this take, but they all involve him being caught entirely off guard by the chord changes and tempo, either because he'd never seen the music before, or because he'd been practicing it as a ballad instead of something frenetic - which, if anything, kind of makes him even more legendary because he did a hell of a lot better than any other unprepared pianist would have, if only because he didn't spontaneously combust.

Flanagan redeemed himself (and then some) in a 1982 tribute to his now late friend, John Coltrane. Alt text

(Same deal, no embed - just an image link to YouTube)

While Flanagan takes Coltrane's place leading the band in the second recording, he still pulls out a solo he was prepared to improvise on top of these groundbreaking modulations.

Just listen to this by comparison.

So. How do we map these differences?

oh boy.

I have three big goals/concerns:

Another, minor concern is that, due to the topic being incredibly deep and itself academically rich by nature, my accreted music theory knowledge will probably be stretched to its limit. I have resources, friends, and contacts that I might be able to reach out to for additional support on this assignment, but if any UPG music faculty would be available for an interview or discussion, I'd very much appreciate the help as well.