ebeshero / digitalStorytelling

a repo to create and publish resources for a course in digital storytelling
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Initiating Issues Board, Quick Contact if Questions #1

Open ebeshero opened 7 years ago

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@PPH3 As you have questions or issues, leave me a message here, and ping with the @ebeshero here. Your first task is to make your blog. Please respond to this issue by pasting a functional link here to your blog, which I shall then follow.


PPH3 commented 7 years ago

So...I posted a photo on the home page, wrote the intro on the about page, juggled photos, and am now working on the first blog entry. However, I am unable to add sound to the home page (it would be cool to open the site and hear one of our songs). I imagine I will also find it difficult to upload voice files and videos as well. I don't lack materials to upload but Wordpress appears to demand an upgrade to the premium level in order to litter the blog with the necessary media items. As I have no plan to maintain this blog afterJune, I am trying to avoid needless spending, but for one month, I suppose its not a crisis. Any thoughts?

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

Two rapid thoughts from the middle of a conference session:

1) host media on your own newtFire site and link to it from blog? 2) switch blog providers and find one that hosts multimedia 3) Run a blog (any provider you wish) from your own newtFire space after all...

I’m in favor of any of these!


PPH3 commented 7 years ago

Noted. I will send you a link of my work once I get a competent blog going. This week was insanely busy, ditto for this weekend, but before Monday, you will get you the required work. Hopefully next week won'y be so enveloping so I can work ahead. This won't be too bad once I get the media pieces up. Enjoy the con, have a great weekend!

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@PPH3 I'm out in Victoria now with @RJP43, and mentioned the issues you were having with Wordpress. Becca's experience was different--and we think there's likely an easier solution: You probably don't want to upload the multimedia files to Wordpress the way you'd do an image because the file sizes are too large for the freebie accounts. Instead, look for embed code that you can insert in a blog, or try posting the movie on, say, YouTube, and pasting its website address into the blog. Here's a little tutorial on the subject:


Hope this helps! Becca, do you have more pointers or suggestions as Pat's getting started with his blog? (BTW, Becca: here's the link to our distilled summer 2017 version of the Digital Storytelling course: https://ebeshero.github.io/digitalStorytelling/ )

RJP43 commented 7 years ago

@PPH3 @ebeshero In order to get the multimedia aspects to work on my WordPress blog for this course I had to embed. The link @ebeshero provided is exactly how I did it. I first uploaded to YouTube and set the video to private unless linked (or something similar to that) and then just posted the video link provided after upload into the embed tool on WP.

@PPH3 hit me up if there is anything I can do in particular to help you.

PPH3 commented 7 years ago

Here's what I have so far: https://strangenotesblog.wordpress.com

The easiest route was to subscribe to the premium setup for a year. It was pricey, but I will get a refund if I cancel within thirty days. Needless to say, I am even more motivated than before to finish this by month's end. There are probably some errors, typos, etc, but it's a start. I feel pretty good about it so far. The audio upload was a success, so the media problem is solved.

PPH3 commented 7 years ago

Strangewords is under construction. Don't visit now as there is nothing much to see. Organization regarding sound, photos, etc, is in flux.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@PPH3 just wanted to say, I had a look earlier this week and the content was impressive! Also, after some discussions with others experimenting with digital media in class, I am thinking of doing an audio essay in the SF class this fall...I hope there's a way to do it that fits with the free account protocols! What did the pay account let you do--upload and post the audio from within the blog?

PPH3 commented 7 years ago

I had to get the premium deal at $99/yr. I might try to recoup the funds by closing the account and getting a refund before the 30 day trial period is up. I got some more work done last night/early this morning. The program takes some getting used to but I'm just trying to not over work things and keep it simple. I'm posting in a sort of loose timeline as per the course requests. After work, I'll try my hand at some video items along with more history/anecdotes. I'll post another link or comment regarding my progress. I really want to make it as clean as possible so I'm conducting a lot of trial and error to see what takes and looks modern without being too ostentatious. The audio is still being tweaked but I was able to pull from an extensive archive of pics, vids, and other miscellany.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@PPH3 What are you posting on the site that could only be done with Premium? And why not embed code to read from another source as @RJP43 did? (Is this an audio quality issue?)

PPH3 commented 7 years ago

I figured out the embed stuff. I just finished a new post. More of these will follow this week, but what are the exact demands for the last two weeks? I know there is some sort of essay with movie/voice requirements. I'll actually have some time this week so I look to finish the bulk of the work over the next week and half.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

Hi @PPH3 : I posted a schedule here: https://ebeshero.github.io/digitalStorytelling/schedule_2017.html (And it's linked at the bottom of our main syllabus page, which lists all the project requirements: https://ebeshero.github.io/digitalStorytelling/ ) How's the schedule looking now on review...do we need to adjust it?

PPH3 commented 7 years ago

I think I can manage. I just need to create more posts and apply different techniques to the later ones. I like what I have so far, what do you think is a good number of posts for the final product? I have many tales to tell, but don't want to overkill with exposition, nor fall into a formula. Also, could you give me an idea as to what requirements I have met? I have used a mixture of images, audio, video, and voice elements in an attempt to satisfy the assignments with a broad brush. I think I'm ready to dive into the formal pieces but I want to be sure I'm not skimping out on necessary submissions.

ebeshero commented 7 years ago

@PPH3 In answer to this, I opened a new issue: https://github.com/ebeshero/digitalStorytelling/issues/2