ebi-ait / checklist

Template repository for checklists
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ERC000026 is missing from schema-store #68

Open amnonkhen opened 1 month ago

amnonkhen commented 1 month ago

is a EGA checklist. This is not available in ENA checklist API, hence not available in schema-store.

theisuru commented 1 month ago

Asked Vishnu how we can get all checklists including EGA checklists.

theisuru commented 1 month ago

I am getting ENA checklists using the endpoint https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/api/summary/ERC000001-ERC999999?offset=0&limit=100 But ERC000026 is not there. Dipayan said this is a EGA checklist, is there any way I can get all the checklist from the API? (edited)

Vishnukumar Balavenkataraman Kadhirvelu 11:31 AM Hi Isuru 11:32 We currently do not support EGA checklist through the browser api

Isuru Liyanage 11:33 AM ohh so there is no way to get them using the API? Any other way to get them

Vishnukumar Balavenkataraman Kadhirvelu 11:35 AM Not through any of our presentation api, but would be better to check with Raj's team

theisuru commented 1 month ago

Rajkumar Devaraj 12:49 PM Checklist can be accessed from webin-reports, for example: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/report/checklists/ERC000026?type=sample&format=json See checklist-controller here -> https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/report/swagger-ui/index.html (edited)

:+1: 1

Isuru Liyanage 12:52 PM can we use this to get a list of checklists I tried https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/report/checklists?type=sample&format=json

amnonkhen commented 1 month ago

The endpoint is the /checklists/xml/<id> https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/report/checklists/xml/ERC000026?type=sample

theisuru commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Change checklist list retrieval url to https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/report/checklists?type=sample&format=json
  2. Change indivudual checklist retrieval url to https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/submit/report/checklists/xml/${checklistId}?type=sample

Now 2 additional checklists are available with this ERC000026, ERC000046