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Visualisations for Project Catalogue #19

Open Jeena-Rajan opened 5 months ago

Jeena-Rajan commented 5 months ago

Broad User Story As a data consumer, I want to be able to see information in a visual format, so that I can quickly gain understanding or find patterns about datasets or variables of interest

Specific eLwazi use case: As a user of the eLwazi catalogue, I want to see visualisations across the categories of project title vs. dataset category so I can see which projects have datasets linked to the dataset categories of interest to me.

Visualisations similar to: https://atlas.ihccglobal.org/

Jeena-Rajan commented 5 months ago

examples here:(https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n9jylI2aZkI5u7KagnBomcF0WP_8T30FdysiIX3vMH8/edit#heading=h.itfgckfqk09x)

Wkt8 commented 2 months ago

Specific use case: As a user of the eLwazi catalogue, I want to see visualisations across the categories of project title vs. dataset category so I can see which projects have datasets linked to the dataset categories of interest to me.

Wkt8 commented 2 months ago

As Amnon has said, we can see what is popular in the React world, and use frontend charting libraries that use json data as an input