ebi-ait / dcp-ingest-central

Central point of access for the Ingestion Service of the HCA DCP
Apache License 2.0
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Project Catalogue #117

Open clairerye opened 3 years ago

clairerye commented 3 years ago

User Story

As a 'researcher with a computer' I want a central point to access all data relevant for HCA research As a stakeholder I want to know how much HCA data is available and stratify it for various purposes As a 'researcher with a pipette' I want my data shared with the community

Suggested requirements to support the data release goals:

Contributors and researchers must have a central catalog showing the full breadth of the data at a project level (individual data file level is not required). Researchers and collaborators must be able to obtain access to the data, but this can be via direct download or link out to appropriate archives/store for metadata Ideally, researchers and collaborators should be able to search the catalog to identify projects of interest (for example, filtering by organ, technology, date)

Nice to have

Researchers and collaborators should be able to see a “project view” summary page giving a high level overview of the project and links to data

Current list of planned features

Needed before 'first release':

Post-release ideas

The current repo is: https://github.com/ebi-ait/projects-index The current link is: https://ebi-ait.github.io/projects-index/#

drive with plan and notes: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16kKxsrTaZSgmCP-6Lpz3drcIyjzJAUI3?usp=sharing

mshadbolt commented 3 years ago

proposed potential URLs:


http://ebi.ac.uk/hca/projects - Gabby
mshadbolt commented 3 years ago

contacted web prod to get ebi.ac.uk/humancellatlas domain - ticket: www-prod #472626

mshadbolt commented 3 years ago

@jacobwindsor I added 'supplementary_links' to the data.json, I am not really sure the best way to display them, I guess we would just need to use the link text as the display text because it can contain any kind of link

mshadbolt commented 3 years ago

I have added all HCA pubs and various others that seem appropriate from the tracker.

I will do another review to see if there are any more in ingest that aren't appearing.

mshadbolt commented 3 years ago

General status update:

If I forgot anything in the above please add !

tburdett commented 3 years ago

Great summary, thanks. I can add a view on the goal of what we want to track.

The goal (from the UX research plan) says our aim is to:

Provide scientists that are trying to find all HCA data assets with a trustable and comprehensive list of available data from all projects and publications that contribute to building the Human Cell Atlas

For me, this means I would expect users to follow a "data discovery" journey. For example, a user might search for some data by a criteria they expect results for (e.g. tissue type), review the results, and then follow links out to archives in order to download datasets that interest them. We should be able to demonstrate this by checking what people search for and detecting when they click through on an archive link. We will be doing a good job if users a) get results corresponding to the thing they searched for and b) follow links to archives for a high number of search results returned.

This is just my thoughts, though - totally open to input if there are other workflows we expect that I am missing.