Webin REST test error - missing message for original attribute name and also its synonyms, example below:
(country and/or sea) should have required property 'geographic location (country and/or sea)'
16:19:40.260 [Test worker] INFO uk.ac.ebi.ena.sra.utils.Common - *|ERROR: N269 failed validation due to /characteristics.collection_date should have required property 'collection_date'
16:19:40.260 [Test worker] INFO uk.ac.ebi.ena.sra.utils.Common - *|ERROR: N269 failed validation due to /characteristics.collection date should have required property 'collection date'
16:19:40.260 [Test worker] INFO uk.ac.ebi.ena.sra.utils.Common - *|ERROR: N269 failed validation due to /characteristics.Event Date/Time should have required property 'Event Date/Time'
16:19:40.260 [Test worker] INFO uk.ac.ebi.ena.sra.utils.Common - *|ERROR: N269 failed validation due to should match exactly one schema in oneOf
16:19:40.260 [Test worker] INFO uk.ac.ebi.ena.sra.utils.Common - *|ERROR: N269 failed validation due to should match exactly one schema in oneOf
16:19:40.260 [Test worker] INFO uk.ac.ebi.ena.sra.utils.Common - *|ERROR: N269 failed validation due to /characteristics.geographic location (country and/or sea) should have required property 'geographic location (country and/or sea)'
@theisuru says it might be a version mismatch of JSON schema store, waiting for him to fix this and let us know.
Sample attributes validation is case-sensitive. For example, if the attribute name is project name and the submitter has provided Project Name in sample metadata, it will cause a validation error. I believe @amnonkhen confirmed this with Colman and Peter.
Tests for original attribute and synonym coexistence - @dipayan1985 to add a couple more tests for the original attribute and synonym coexistence in a sample, as only one can exist—either the original attribute name or one of the synonyms. I know this is confirmed.
[ ] @dipayan1985 to mark when done
Multiplicity checks - @ESapenaVentura mentioned that multiplicity checks will also be included. @dipayan1985 will add a test for this in Webin-REST and Webin-REST-V2.
[ ] @dipayan1985 to test
[ ] @amnonkhen to let @KociOrges know when the new APIs are ready, which he will consume for Webin-Portal display of checklist fields, field groups. The new API will have cardinality. We would like to know the timelines as we depend on this to complete Webin-Portal changes.
@theisuru says it might be a version mismatch of JSON schema store, waiting for him to fix this and let us know.
Note: We are using Webin REST dev (https://wwwdev.ebi.ac.uk/ena/dev/submit/drop-box) and this connects to BSD dev (http://wp-np2-44.ebi.ac.uk:8081/biosamples)
[ ] @theisuru to mark when done
Sample attributes validation is case-sensitive. For example, if the attribute name is project name and the submitter has provided Project Name in sample metadata, it will cause a validation error. I believe @amnonkhen confirmed this with Colman and Peter.
Tests for original attribute and synonym coexistence - @dipayan1985 to add a couple more tests for the original attribute and synonym coexistence in a sample, as only one can exist—either the original attribute name or one of the synonyms. I know this is confirmed.
[ ] @dipayan1985 to mark when done
Multiplicity checks - @ESapenaVentura mentioned that multiplicity checks will also be included. @dipayan1985 will add a test for this in Webin-REST and Webin-REST-V2.
[ ] @dipayan1985 to test
[ ] @amnonkhen to let @KociOrges know when the new APIs are ready, which he will consume for Webin-Portal display of checklist fields, field groups. The new API will have cardinality. We would like to know the timelines as we depend on this to complete Webin-Portal changes.