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new terms: aryl compounds #1415

Open muthuvenkat opened 15 years ago

muthuvenkat commented 15 years ago


Please can the following be added to ChEBI:

name: arylaldehydes def: Compounds with the general formula RC(=O)H where R contains an aryl group. synonyms: aryl aldehydes, aryl-aldehydes is_a: ChEBI:17478 ! aldehydes

name: α-arylaldehydes def: Compounds with the general formula RC(=O)H where R is an aryl group. synonyms: α-aryl aldehydes, α-aryl-aldehydes is_a: ChEBI:new? ! arylaldehydes

name: β-arylaldehydes def: Compounds with the general formula R'-CR2-C(=O)H where R' is an aryl group. synonyms: β-aryl aldehydes, β-aryl-aldehydes is_a: ChEBI:new? ! arylaldehydes

aziridines (CHEBI:22681) please add the definition "Compounds based on an aziridine skeleton."

name: arylaziridines def: Compounds based on an aziridine skeleton which is substituted with one of more aryl groups.
synonyms: aryl aziridines, aryl-aziridines is_a: ChEBI:22681 ! aziridines

name: arylboronic acids def: Compounds having the structure RB(OH)2 where R is an aryl group. synonyms: aryl boronic acids, aryl-boronic acids is_a: ChEBI:38269 ! boronic acids

name: aryl borate esters is_a: borate esters (CHEBI:38915) def: Compounds of the general formula B(OR)3 where one or more of the R groups is an aryl group. synonyms: aryl borates is_a: ChEBI:38915 ! borate esters

Can you add “malonates” as an EXACT synonym for malonate esters (CHEBI:38083) and add the definition “Esters of malonic acid”.

name: arylmalonates is_a: malonate esters (CHEBI:38083) def: Esters of malonic acid with the general formula ROC(=O)CH2C(=O)OR where one or more of the R groups is an aryl group. synonyms: aryl malonates, aryl-malonates

propanal (CHEBI:17153) please add the EXACT synonym “propionic aldehyde”.

propanals (CHEBI:26282) please add the EXACT synonym “propionic aldehydes” and the definition "Compounds based on a propanal skeleton".

name: arylpropanals def: Compounds based on a propanal skeleton containing an aryl group. synonyms: arylpropionic aldehydes, aryl propanals, aryl-propanals is_a: CHEBI:26282 ! propanals

Many Thanks

Hilary Burch

Reported by: burchh

muthuvenkat commented 15 years ago

Image of an aryl aziridine

Original comment by: burchh

muthuvenkat commented 15 years ago

File Added: aziridine aldehyde.png

Original comment by: burchh