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Benzil #1444

Closed muthuvenkat closed 9 years ago

muthuvenkat commented 15 years ago


I need benzil, or 1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-dione for the new reaction EC 1.1.1.n7:

benzoin (17682) + NADP+ = 1,2-diphenylethane-1,2-dione + NADPH + H+

There are actually different reactions specific for (S)-benzoin and (R)-benzoin.

Specific for (R)-benzoin production

  1. Konishi, J., Ohta, H. and Tuchihashi, G. Asymmetric reduction of benzil to benzoin catalyzed by the enzyme system of a microorganism. Chem. Lett. 14 (1985) 1111-1112. Not in GenBank http://www.journalarchive.jst.go.jp/jnlpdf.php?cdjournal=cl1972&cdvol=14&noissue=8&startpage=1111&lang=en&from=jnltoc Specific for (S)-benzoin production

  2. Maruyama, R., Nishizawa, M., Itoi, Y., Ito, S. and Inoue, M. Isolation and expression of a Bacillus cereus gene encoding benzil reductase. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 75 (2001) 630-633. [PMID: 11745140] http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/bit.1191

  3. Maruyama, R., Nishizawa, M., Itoi, Y., Ito, S. and Inoue, M. The enzymes with benzil reductase activity conserved from bacteria to mammals. J. Biotechnol. 94 (2002) 157-169. [PMID: 11796169]


Reported by: axelsen

muthuvenkat commented 15 years ago

benzil: CHEBI:51507 (R)-benzoin: CHEBI:51509 (S)-benzoin: CHEBI:51510


Original comment by: mennis

muthuvenkat commented 15 years ago

Original comment by: mennis