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Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) is a freely available dictionary of molecular entities focused on ‘small’ chemical compounds.
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Occasional problems with Wikipedia display #397

Closed muthuvenkat closed 8 years ago

muthuvenkat commented 11 years ago

For ursodeoxycholic acid, CHEBI:9907, the 'opening paragraph' of Wikipedia information is dragging back the ChemBox identifiers as well:

Wikipedia License

Ursodiol, also known as ursodeoxycholic acid and the abbreviation UDCA, is one of the secondary bile acids, which are metabolic byproducts of intestinal bacteria. | licence_EU = | licence_US = Ursodiol| pregnancy_AU = | pregnancy_US = B| pregnancy_category = | legal_AU = | legal_CA = | legal_UK = | legal_US = Rx-only| legal_status = | dependency_liability = | routes_of_administration = oral| MedlinePlus = a699047| DailyMedID = 19396| bioavailability = | protein_bound = | metabolism = | elimination_half-life = | excretion = | CASNo_Ref = | CAS_number_Ref = | CAS_number = 128-13-2| ATC_prefix = A05| ATC_suffix = AA02| ATC_supplemental = | PubChem = 31401| DrugBank_Ref = | DrugBank = DB01586| ChemSpiderID_Ref = | ChemSpiderID = 29131| UNII_Ref = | UNII = 724L30Y2QR| KEGG_Ref = | KEGG = D00734| ChEBI_Ref = | ChEBI = 9907| ChEMBL_Ref = | ChEMBL = 1551| C=24 | H=40 | O=4 | molecular_weight = 392.56 g/mol| smiles = O=C(O)CCC@H(C@H1CCC@@H2C@1(C)CCC@H4C@H2C@@H(O)CC@@H3CC@H(O)CCC@@34C)C| InChI = 1/C24H40O4/c1-14(4-7-21(27)28)17-5-6-18-22-19(9-11-24(17,18)3)23(2)10-8-16(25)12-15(23)13-20(22)26/h14-20,22,25-26H,4-13H2,1-3H3,(H,27,28)/t14-,15+,16-,17-,18+,19+,20+,22+,23+,24-/m1/s1| InChIKey = RUDATBOHQWOJDD-UZVSRGJWBC| StdInChI_Ref = | StdInChI = 1S/C24H40O4/c1-14(4-7-21(27)28)17-5-6-18-22-19(9-11-24(17,18)3)23(2)10-8-16(25)12-15(23)13-20(22)26/h14-20,22,25-26H,4-13H2,1-3H3,(H,27,28)/t14-,15+,16-,17-,18+,19+,20+,22+,23+,24-/m1/s1| StdInChIKey_Ref = | StdInChIKey = RUDATBOHQWOJDD-UZVSRGJWSA-N| synonyms = ursodeoxycholic acid, Actigall, Ursosan, Urso, Urso Forte| density = | melting_point = 203| boiling_point = | solubility = | specific_rotation = | sec_combustion = Read full article at Wikipedia

Can we find out what is different about this Wikipedia page compared with others, so that we can stop it happening to other records (or at least edit them in Wikipedia to stop the problem) ?

Cheers, Gareth

Reported by: gareth2

muthuvenkat commented 8 years ago

Original comment by: muthuvenkat