ebi-gene-expression-group / atlas-components

Front end components of Expression Atlas and Single Cell Expression Atlas
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[Chore] Experiment page bundle refactoring #171

Open ke4 opened 2 months ago

ke4 commented 2 months ago

Most of the code that can be found under the experiment page bundle in the Single Cell Expression Atlas repository is not belongs to that repository. It should be moved to the atlas-components repository by creating 1 or more new components and creating a wrapper around that code in the single cell repository and render it. There are 3 subtask for this story:

lingyun1010 commented 4 days ago

I will create a new PR to add tests for react router, but now I will need the base code to bugfix the heatmap sorting issue. https://github.com/orgs/ebi-gene-expression-group/projects/4/views/4?pane=issue&itemId=86174433&issue=ebi-gene-expression-group%7Catlas-web-single-cell%7C487