ebi-gene-expression-group / atlas-heatmap

Heatmap visualizing bulk Expression Atlas data
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POST request triggers 400 #3

Closed tschaka1904 closed 6 years ago

tschaka1904 commented 6 years ago


I was trying to implement the gxa viewer into the complex portal, using the this part of the documentation:

import {render as expressionAtlasHeatmapRender} from 'expression-atlas-heatmap-highcharts'

Basically, I'm not using React but Angular and wanted to import the viewer. Here is my code:

        target: 'highchartsContainer',
        experiment: this._experimentId,
        atlasUrl: 'https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa/',
        query: {
          gene: this.gxaParamsQueries
        fail: function () {
          context._isLoaded = false;

Unfortunately, I'm getting an HTTP 400 error, which breaks the application. I was investigating into this a little bit and found out the using GET instead of POST made the trick: gxa_post_issue

Is there something I need to configure on my side or is this a bug?

Cheers, Max

tschaka1904 commented 6 years ago

Using version 3.5.x does the trick! Thanks @alfonsomunozpomer!

alfonsomunozpomer commented 6 years ago

Sorry about not announcing this feature, since version 3.6 the heatmap component does a POST request by default. As soon as the new Gene Expression Atlas version is released (scheduled for October 16) this will be in sync with the back end. In the meantime, as you discovered, use version 3.5.