Can we please implement the new metadata search/cell type wheel on the CCA website ( as well. This website only houses human data, so there would be no species filter and the search should be limited to datasets in the CCA - which, as far as I know, are all human datasets that are in SCEA, but could you please confirm this is the only filter or if there are any additional criteria?
To do list:
[x] Reword Gene search to Search
[x] Add metadata search example (get a suggestion from curators)
[x] Add homo sapiens as the request parameters for all the search tems here by default
Can we please implement the new metadata search/cell type wheel on the CCA website ( as well. This website only houses human data, so there would be no species filter and the search should be limited to datasets in the CCA - which, as far as I know, are all human datasets that are in SCEA, but could you please confirm this is the only filter or if there are any additional criteria?
To do list:
Gene search
homo sapiens
as the request parameters for all the search tems here by default