ebi-gene-expression-group / atlas-web-single-cell

Single Cell Expression Atlas web application
Apache License 2.0
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Species filter is getting ignored in the metadata search #426

Open ke4 opened 3 weeks ago

ke4 commented 3 weeks ago

The Species filter in the metadata search is getting ignored.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to the metadata search in Single Cell Expression Atlas
  2. Type a search term into the Search term box. For example: liver
  3. Click on the Search button
  4. On the appearing cell type wheel page select a Species from the dropdown, for example: Mus musculus

Expected result: The cell type wheel only shows the result for the selected species.

Actual result: The cell type wheel shows the result for all the species.

upendrakumbham commented 2 weeks ago

During my investigation, I found that we are supporting from the backend - but we are not passing species param from the frontend I believe as per the code:

@GetMapping(value = "/json/cell-type-wheel/{searchTerm}",
                produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8_VALUE)
    public String jsonCellTypeWheel(@PathVariable String searchTerm,
                                    @RequestParam(name = "species", defaultValue = "") String species) {
        return GSON.toJson(
                        .getCellTypeWheelSunburst(searchTerm, cellTypeWheelService.search(searchTerm, species)));
upendrakumbham commented 2 weeks ago

In the Atlas components repo - file name - CellTypeWheelExperimentHeatmap.js

              resource={URI(props.searchTerm, props.cellTypeWheelResource).toString()}
              fulfilledPayloadProvider={cellTypeWheelData => ({ data: cellTypeWheelData })}

I believe we need to pass species here from the dropdown when user chooses a species along with search term

lingyun1010 commented 1 week ago

Bugs we observed for now related to cell type wheel gene expression page:

  1. From home page to cell type wheel page, species is not passed by routing/URL.

  2. In the cell type wheel page

    Search boxes

    • species box is not always working: it is not working when you change the species alone but is working when you change the species and then followed by search term changes
    • search term box is not always working: when you select from user free typing section, for example liver, no cell type data responded; when you select from metadata section, search button is not trigerring any requests.

    Cell type wheel

    • it doesn't take species parameter from the search box
    • when there are a lot of data loaded, for example, homo sapiens, it doesn't display by giving info like no data to display
    • when the search term is species like homo sapiens , the cell type wheel is not working by clicking to show the marker gene heatmap view.
  3. Endpoint issue

ke4 commented 1 week ago

Based on the previous comment by @lingyun1010 I created the following separate tickets:

and we already had this ticket:

I won't delete the above comment, just to have it if we need it, but that comment does not belong to this current ticket.