ebi-uniprot / Protein2GO

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List of interacting taxons #3

Open mcourtot opened 9 years ago

mcourtot commented 9 years ago

It'd be great to have multiple comma separated values in interacting taxon column, e.g. for cases in which a peptide has an antimicrobial activity in multiple species. via @zebrafishembryo (aka Aleks)

tonysawfordebi commented 9 years ago

This is something that would need to be raised at GOC level, I think, as this is beyond the limitations of the current annotation format (see http://geneontology.org/page/go-annotation-file-gaf-format-20 and http://geneontology.org/page/gene-product-association-data-gpad-format, both of which refer to http://geneontology.org/page/go-annotation-conventions#interactions)