ebi-uniprot / QuickGoFE

Front End component for QuickGo.
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Search in QuickGO - field source of result #19

Open mcourtot opened 8 years ago

mcourtot commented 8 years ago

When searching for "protein folding chaperone", "protein binding" is correctly returned as first hit, but it remains opaque for users - would it be possible to add an indication as to why this term is returned (when not an exact match to the existing label), something like "exact match narrow synonym" in maybe italic greyed out next to the result? See example below.

screen shot 2016-01-26 at 15 33 13

xwatkins commented 8 years ago

There's plans to add syntax highlighting later which should cover this scenario: a small paragraph containing the matching string would be returned with the term itself highlighted.

mcourtot commented 8 years ago

Fantastic - @tonysawfordebi mentioned highlighting was coming (which is why I didn't complain about it here ;)) but not that there would be further additions. I'll wait to see how it is rendered then.

Note: this stems from a comment on the gene ontology tracker. Ignoring the ontology issue, the last line reads "Also the terms "protein folding chaperone" does not come up anywhere in my list of suggestions in QuickGO." Is it ok to tell Val that her suggestion has been taken into account and is already implemented in the new QuickGO?

xwatkins commented 8 years ago

We are still working out the specifics so please wait before announcing it. I will check with you when we get to it to make sure we're covering all use cases.

mcourtot commented 8 years ago

Great, thanks!

ValWood commented 8 years ago
