ebirenbaum / ParticleSolver

CPU and GPU implementations of a particle-based physics simulation based on Macklin et. al's "Unified Particle Physics for Real-Time Application".
MIT License
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How to run 3D demo? #2

Open hologerry opened 2 days ago

hologerry commented 2 days ago

Hi @ebirenbaum , thanks for this code base, I am new to physics simulation. Could you please tell me how to run the 3D demo as the images in README.md?

LoganBarnes commented 2 days ago

This was a fairly rushed school project we threw together in 2015. We don't maintain it. It's unlikely it would be easy to get this running on a modern system without some updates to the build system. Especially the 3D version since it includes some hacked together CUDA and OpenGL libraries.

It's probably for the best though. There are definitely better libraries out there for this kind of thing.

hologerry commented 2 days ago

I see, thanks for your reply.