eblondel / ows4R

R Interface for OGC Web-Services (OWS)
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CRS issue when downloading WCS SoilGrid ; EPSG code not found #115

Closed ecor closed 7 months ago

ecor commented 7 months ago

Dear Emmanuel @eblondel ,

thanks for your package. I tried to download Soligurd 250 m dataset (WCS service) https://maps.isric.org/. See R reprodubile code below. I found out the following error:

> cov$getDimensions()
[ows4R][INFO] WCSCoverageSummary - Fetching Coverage envelope dimensions by CRS interpretation 
failed to load HTTP resource
Error : 1: failed to load HTTP resource

[ows4R][ERROR] WCSCoverageSummary - Error during CRS interpretation for srsName = 'http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/152160' 

> out <- cov$getCoverage()
[ows4R][INFO] WCSCoverageSummary - Fetching Coverage envelope dimensions by CRS interpretation 
failed to load HTTP resource
Error : 1: failed to load HTTP resource

[ows4R][ERROR] WCSCoverageSummary - Error during CRS interpretation for srsName = 'http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/152160' 
....|-- lowerCorner: -19949750 -6147500
....|-- upperCorner: 19861750 8361000[ows4R][INFO] WCSCoverageSummary - Fetching Coverage envelope dimensions by CRS interpretation 
failed to load HTTP resource
Error : 1: failed to load HTTP resource

[ows4R][ERROR] WCSCoverageSummary - Error during CRS interpretation for srsName = 'http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/152160' 
[ows4R][INFO] WCSGetCoverage - Fetching https://maps.isric.org/mapserv?map=/map/clay.map&service=WCS&version=2.0.0&coverageId=clay_0-5cm_mean&subset=x(-19949750,19861750)&subset=y(-6147500,8361000)&format=image/tiff&request=GetCoverage 
Downloading: 600 B     [ows4R][ERROR] WCSGetCoverage - Error while executing request 'GetCoverage' 
Error during wrapup: [rast] cannot open this file as a SpatRaster: /tmp/RtmpRqVvk8/clay_0-5cm_mean.tif
Error: no more error handlers available (recursive errors?); invoking 'abort' restart

It look like that the projections EPSG 152160 was created by ESRI and not recognized (see https://www.isric.org/explore/soilgrids/faq-soilgrids#How_can_I_use_SoilGrids_in_a_different_projection) . Is there a way to insert manually the CRS / SRDS ?

Thank you best, Emanuele @ecor


#get WCS client connection (be careful, it's WCS, not CSW)
#WCS = Web Coverage Service (for raster data access)
#CSW = Catalogue Service for the Web (for geographic metadata cataloguing)

## https://maps.isric.org/ 

WCS = WCSClient$new(
  url = "https://maps.isric.org/mapserv?map=/map/clay.map",
  serviceVersion = "2.0.0",
  logger = "INFO"

#find the coverage
cov = WCS$capabilities$findCoverageSummaryById("clay_0-5cm_mean")
#get data dimensions (here's a spatial 2D coverage)

## https://www.isric.org/explore/soilgrids/faq-soilgrids#How_can_I_use_SoilGrids_in_a_different_projection

out <- cov$getCoverage()
eblondel commented 7 months ago

I see, indeed it deals with an ESRI projection for which a pseudo EPSG code was given, the reason why getting http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/152160 fails, there is no GML CR definition associated to it (see on contrary this example https://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326). Indeed I make a non-silent try call so you see an Error appearing. The getDimensions should not be a blocker for getting the coverage, especially here it's a 2D grid, and we already get properly the GML envelope associated with the coverage.

However I see that getting coverage fails, and it's due to the default grid envelope that is not accepted. You can see the message by browsing this request on the web: https://maps.isric.org/mapserv?map=/map/clay.map&service=WCS&version=2.0.0&coverageId=clay_0-5cm_mean&subset=x(-19949750,19861750)&subset=y(-6147500,8361000)&format=image/tiff&request=GetCoverage In ows4R, service exceptions are not handled, so user is not well informed about the problem. I will support this in #116

eblondel commented 7 months ago

@ecor For the get coverage, I've improved the handling of service exceptions in #116, and also took the opportunity to support a custom print function for the ows4R objects. Consequently, when trying to download the full coverage above, you will get this:

....|-- ExceptionText: msWCSGetCoverage20(): WCS server error. Raster size out of range, width and height of resulting coverage must be no more than MAXSIZE=16384.

These exceptions were hidden before, and the default print didn't help in understanding.

Let me know

ecor commented 7 months ago

Thanks @eblondel ,

Here is the output I obtained, afrer installing latest version of ows4R package from this Github Repo (remotes::install_github("eblondel/ows4R")) :

> library(ows4R)
Loading ISO 19139 XML schemas...
Loading ISO 19115 codelists...
> library(terra)
terra 1.7.69
> #get WCS client connection (be careful, it's WCS, not CSW)
> #WCS = Web Coverage Service (for raster data access)
> #CSW = Catalogue Service for the Web (for geographic metadata cataloguing)
> ## https://maps.isric.org/ 
> WCS = WCSClient$new(
+     url = "https://maps.isric.org/mapserv?map=/map/clay.map",
+     serviceVersion = "2.0.0",
+     logger = "INFO"
+ )
[ows4R][INFO] OWSGetCapabilities - Fetching https://maps.isric.org/mapserv?map=/map/clay.map&service=WCS&version=2.0.0&request=GetCapabilities 
  |======================================================================================================================| 100%
> #find the coverage
> cov = WCS$capabilities$findCoverageSummaryById("clay_0-5cm_mean")
> cov$getDescription()
[ows4R][INFO] WCSDescribeCoverage - Fetching https://maps.isric.org/mapserv?map=/map/clay.map&service=WCS&version=2.0.0&coverageId=clay_0-5cm_mean&request=DescribeCoverage 
  |======================================================================================================================| 100%
Loading required package: sf
Linking to GEOS 3.10.2, GDAL 3.4.3, PROJ 8.2.0; sf_use_s2() is FALSE
....|-- boundedBy [srsName=http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/152160,axisLabels=x y,uomLabels=m m,srsDimension=2] <GMLEnvelope>
........|-- lowerCorner: -19949750 -6147500
........|-- upperCorner: 19861750 8361000
....|-- domainSet [dimension=2,gml:id=grid_clay_0-5cm_mean] <GMLRectifiedGrid>
........|-- limits  <GMLGridEnvelope>
............|-- low  
................|-- value: 0 0
............|-- high  
................|-- value: 159245 58033
........|-- axisLabels  
............|-- value: x y
........|-- origin [gml:id=grid_origin_clay_0-5cm_mean,srsName=http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/152160] <GMLPoint>
............|-- pos: -19949625 8360875
........|-- offsetVector [srsName=http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/152160]
............|-- value: 250.000000 0
........|-- offsetVector [srsName=http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/152160]
............|-- value: 0 -250.000000
....|-- rangeType  <SWEDataRecord>
........|-- field <SWEQuantity>
............|-- nilValues  
............|-- uom [code=W.m-2.Sr-1] 
............|-- constraint  
................|-- AllowedValues  
....................|-- interval  
........................|-- value: 0 65535
....................|-- significantFigures  
........................|-- value: 5
....|-- CoverageId  
........|-- value: clay_0-5cm_mean
....|-- ServiceParameters <ISOElementSequence>
........|-- CoverageSubtype: RectifiedGridCoverage
........|-- nativeFormat: image/tiff> #get data dimensions (here's a spatial 2D coverage)
> ## https://www.isric.org/explore/soilgrids/faq-soilgrids#How_can_I_use_SoilGrids_in_a_different_projection
> cov$getDimensions()
[ows4R][INFO] WCSCoverageSummary - Fetching Coverage envelope dimensions by CRS interpretation 
No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
[ows4R][ERROR] WCSCoverageSummary - Error during CRS interpretation for srsName = 'https://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/152160' 
> out <- cov$getCoverage()
[ows4R][INFO] WCSCoverageSummary - Fetching Coverage envelope dimensions by CRS interpretation 
No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
[ows4R][ERROR] WCSCoverageSummary - Error during CRS interpretation for srsName = 'https://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/152160' 
....|-- lowerCorner: -19949750 -6147500
....|-- upperCorner: 19861750 8361000[ows4R][INFO] WCSCoverageSummary - Fetching Coverage envelope dimensions by CRS interpretation 
No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
[ows4R][ERROR] WCSCoverageSummary - Error during CRS interpretation for srsName = 'https://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/152160' 
[ows4R][INFO] WCSGetCoverage - Fetching https://maps.isric.org/mapserv?map=/map/clay.map&service=WCS&version=2.0.0&coverageId=clay_0-5cm_mean&subset=x(-19949750,19861750)&subset=y(-6147500,8361000)&format=image/tiff&request=GetCoverage 
Downloading: 600 B     
> cov$getDimensions()
[ows4R][INFO] WCSCoverageSummary - Fetching Coverage envelope dimensions by CRS interpretation 
No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
[ows4R][ERROR] WCSCoverageSummary - Error during CRS interpretation for srsName = 'https://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/152160' 
> out
....|-- ExceptionText: msWCSGetCoverage20(): WCS server error. Raster size out of range, width and height of resulting coverage must be no more than MAXSIZE=16384.
eblondel commented 7 months ago

@ecor this is expected behavior:

ecor commented 7 months ago

Thank you @eblondel for the clarification. Now it works, setting a correct BBOX: For me ticket can be closed.


#get WCS client connection (be careful, it's WCS, not CSW)
#WCS = Web Coverage Service (for raster data access)
#CSW = Catalogue Service for the Web (for geographic metadata cataloguing)

## https://maps.isric.org/ 

WCS = WCSClient$new(
  url = "https://maps.isric.org/mapserv?map=/map/clay.map",
  serviceVersion = "2.0.0",
  logger = "INFO"

#find the coverage
cov = WCS$capabilities$findCoverageSummaryById("clay_0-5cm_mean")
#get data dimensions (here's a spatial 2D coverage)

## https://www.isric.org/explore/soilgrids/faq-soilgrids#How_can_I_use_SoilGrids_in_a_different_projection

 ## https://git.wur.nl/isric/soilgrids/soilgrids.notebooks/-/blob/master/markdown/webdav_from_R.md
bb=c(-337500.000,1242500.000,152500.000,527500.000) # Example bounding box (homolosine) for Ghana

out <- cov$getCoverage(OWSUtils$toBBOX(-437500.000,2242500.000,152500.000,527500.000))
eblondel commented 7 months ago

Thanks @ecor for your feedback, great to see it works!