eblot / pyspiflash

SPI data flash device drivers (pure Python)
MIT License
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/dev/spidevX.X #7

Closed BTOdell closed 4 years ago

BTOdell commented 7 years ago

How do I use this Python library to interact with a flash chip that is reachable at the Linux device: /dev/spidevX.X? It seems like the only way is through this URL scheme: https://eblot.github.io/pyftdi/urlscheme.html

eblot commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to answer and it is likely not relevant anymore, anyway:

/dev/spidev is a Linux-managed flash device, while pyspiflash is dedicated to manage flash device on a SPI bus which is mastered with a FTDI device.

I guess pyspiflash could be adapted to use a local device, but it is out of scope of the current project. Sorry.