Closed inglesp closed 2 years ago
is there any update on this?
my name is Mattia, and I am a Data Analyst working within the NHSX Analytic Unit. I have repurposed some code into a standalone python script which should ingest the latest CCG boundaries shapefile from the ONS geoportal and output a Map info TAB file. The full script can be found below. Could you let me know if this is fit for purpose? I am happy to refactor the code as needed to ensure it can be integrated into your platform to address this open issue. Thank you for your time.
# Imports
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Python:
from datetime import datetime
import json
import regex as re
# 3rd party:
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib import request as urlreq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, shape
from shapely import wkb, wkt
import shapely.speedups
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def geo_json_download(input_num):
full_url = url_start + data_url + '%s' %input_num + url_end_base
with urlopen(full_url) as response:
geodf_map = gpd.read_file(response)
return geodf_map
# Ingestion
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ingest CCG boundary GeoJSON
current_year ='%Y')
last_year = str( -1)
url_start = ""
search_url = url_start + "/arcgis/rest/services/Health_Boundaries/"
url_end_base = '/query?where=1%3D1&outFields=*&outSR=4326&f=json'
string_filter_base = "Clinical_Commissioning_Groups_[A-Za-z]+_"
response = urlreq.urlopen(search_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(, "lxml")
data_url = soup.find_all('a', href=re.compile(string_filter_base + current_year))
if not data_url:
data_url = soup.find_all('a', href=re.compile(string_filter_base + last_year))
data_url = data_url[-1].get('href')
input_num = '/0'
df_map = geo_json_download(input_num)
input_num = '/1'
df_map = geo_json_download(input_num)
print('HTTP error')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Ingest CCG ONS to ODS code mapping table
url_start_cde_map = ""
search_url_cde_map = url_start_cde_map + "/ESMARspQHYMw9BZ9/arcgis/rest/services/"
string_filter_cde_map_base = "CCG_[A-Za-z]+_"
string_filter_cde_map_end = '_EN_NC'
url_2_cde_map = '/0/query?where=1%3D1&outFields=*&outSR=4326&f=json'
response_cde_map = urlreq.urlopen(search_url_cde_map)
soup_cde_map = BeautifulSoup(, "lxml")
data_url_cde_map = soup_cde_map.find_all('a', href=re.compile(string_filter_cde_map_base + current_year + string_filter_cde_map_end))
if not data_url_cde_map:
data_url_cde_map = soup_cde_map.find_all('a', href=re.compile(string_filter_cde_map_base + last_year + string_filter_cde_map_end))
data_url_cde_map = data_url_cde_map[-1].get('href')
full_url_cde_map = url_start_cde_map + data_url_cde_map + url_2_cde_map
with urlopen(full_url_cde_map) as response:
ccg_code_map_json = json.load(response)
ccg_code_map_df = pd.json_normalize(ccg_code_map_json['features'])
print('HTTP error')
# Processing
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prepare geopandas dataframe
column_mapping = {df_map.columns[0]: 'Index', df_map.columns[1]: 'ONS CCG code', df_map.columns[2]: 'CCG name'}
df_map_1 = df_map.rename(columns=column_mapping)
df_map_2 = df_map_1.set_index('Index')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prepare ODS to ONS code dataframe
column_ons_code = ccg_code_map_json['fields'][0]['name'].lower()
column_ods_code = ccg_code_map_json['fields'][1]['name'].lower()
ccg_code_map_df_1 = ccg_code_map_df.iloc[:,:2]
ccg_code_map_df_1.columns = ccg_code_map_df_1.columns.str.lower()
ccg_code_map_df_1.rename(columns={'attributes.%s' %column_ons_code :'ONS CCG code', 'attributes.%s' %column_ods_code: 'ods_code'}, inplace=True)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Join geometery and code mapping table, select relevant columns and output Mapinfo .Tab file
final_map_df = ccg_code_map_df_1.merge(df_map_2, how = 'outer', on = 'ONS CCG code')
final_map_df_1 = final_map_df[['ods_code', 'geometry']]
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(final_map_df_1)
gdf.to_file("ccg_boundaries.TAB", driver="MapInfo File")
Thanks @mattia-ficarelli! I've popped this script in a repo just so we can track changes easily. From my initial testing it seems to do exactly what we need so thanks. Unfortunately we've got some separate problems which are preventing us importing new boundaries at the moment so we'll have to resolve those first before we can actually make use of it.
Closed by #3264
Thanks @mattia-ficarelli, this all worked perfectly!
Data can (probably) be found here.
This is the management command.