eborghi10 / ColumbiaX-Robotics

Projects from edX | CSMM.103x Robotics
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robot is moving as specified in decription? #2

Open kvnptl opened 4 years ago

kvnptl commented 4 years ago


robot is showing in rviz but it is not moving. I have started rosrun robot_mover mover .

What am I missing?

eborghi10 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting it. I saw the same behavior a few days ago using ROS Melodic.

Which version of ROS are you using?

eborghi10 commented 4 years ago

@askkvn it's working for me applying this change.

kvnptl commented 4 years ago

I am using ROS melodic.

I tried your change, but still no chnage in result. It seems there is nothing published on /joint_command topic.

rostopic list /clicked_point /initialpose /joint_command /joint_positions /joint_states /joint_velocities /move_base_simple/goal /ping /rosout /rosout_agg /tf /tf_static

rostopic info /joint_command Type: sensor_msgs/JointState

Publishers: None

Subscribers: * /robot_sim

kvnptl commented 4 years ago

I have modified utils/kuka_lwr/lwr_robot/lwr_defs/robots/kuka_lwr_arm.urdf (removed link world) and utils/kuka_lwr/lwr_robot/lwr_defs/robots/kuka_lwr_arm.urdf.xml(replaced world with world_link and added visual).

Because of error: No transform from [world] to [world_link] project_3_issue2