ebourg / jsign

Java implementation of Microsoft Authenticode for signing Windows executables, installers & scripts
Apache License 2.0
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Add the jsign.certfile system property to feed an additional certificate with the JCA provider #215

Closed umireon closed 2 months ago

umireon commented 2 months ago

Maybe related to #119


We have developed an Android app and Google requires us to sign our build artifact when we upload it to Google Play Console. For better security, we'd like to sign our build artifact with Google Cloud KMS and we found this excellent product. We composed the following command to sign our aab with Cloud KMS.

jarsigner -J-cp -Jjsign-6.0.jar -J--add-modules -Jjava.sql \
  -providerClass net.jsign.jca.JsignJcaProvider \
  -providerArg projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/keyRings/KEYRING_NAME \
  -keystore NONE \
  -storetype GOOGLECLOUD \
  -storepass "$(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
  -certchain full-chain.pem \
  ./app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab \

However, it does not work with the following error.

jarsigner error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to load the certificate from 

I read the code of jsign and found that the GOOGLECLOUD provider needs the public key to sign but Cloud KMS does not store certificates. In this PR, we'd like to propose to add a way to feed an additional certificate to Jsign when it is used as a JCA provider.


When Jsign is used as a JCA provider, namely with jarsigner, we can provide additional options via the system property of Java. Adding this PR enable users to sign JAR artifacts with jarsigner and Cloud KMS by the following command.

jarsigner -J-cp -Jjsign-6.1-SNAPSHOT.jar -J--add-modules -Jjava.sql \
  -J-Djsign.certfile=full-chain.pem \
  -providerClass net.jsign.jca.JsignJcaProvider \
  -providerArg projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/keyRings/KEYRING_NAME \
  -keystore NONE \
  -storetype GOOGLECLOUD \
  -storepass "$(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
  -certchain full-chain.pem \
  ./app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab \

Thank you in advance!


ebourg commented 2 months ago

Thank you for the PR, however this is maybe not necessary.

Jsign needs to know the algorithm of the key for signing (RSA of ECDSA), when using Google Cloud there are 3 ways to get this information:

Assuming you are using the latest release of Jsign, I think you can fix this issue either by adjusting the permissions or by appending :RSA to the key alias. Let me know if this works for you.

umireon commented 2 months ago

Thank you for suggestion, I will try later!

umireon commented 2 months ago

I got it worked with the RSA suffix! Thank you!