ebrehault / resurrectio

CasperJS test recorder Chrome extension
GNU General Public License v2.0
721 stars 106 forks source link

Is someone still contribute to this project ? #31

Open jefleponot opened 7 years ago

jefleponot commented 7 years ago

Hi ,

I begin a new projet that replay phantomJS script and soon also CasperJS script : https://github.com/jefleponot/ectoplasm

Do you think we could together merge our 2 projects ?

Best Regards, Jef

ebrehault commented 7 years ago


I am not actively maintaining Resurrectio (I made few changes recently to support RobotFramework output). I am not sure I really get your extension objective, when you say "This extension runs PhantomJS script into you browser", you mean you want to create a PhantomJS-like lib able to run in a browser, right? Don't you think it could introduce major inconsistencies (nothing guarantees a given script runing in firefox would run the same in PhantomJS)?

jefleponot commented 7 years ago

Hi Ebrehault,

Thanks for reply.

Your extension is great but you can't improve or test directly captured scenarios. I work with colleagues that can't develop scripts for web application tests. So we need a very user-friendly tool. Before we used selenium-builder* with a phantomJS exportation : it was convenient but very complicated ti use, soon it will be outdated because of Firefox evolution.

My objective is to generate tests with a nice tool (and still use PhantomJS to run them).

This first commit aims is to show to everybody that PhantomJS scripts could run in a real browser (without adaptations). The next step is to introduce CasperJS scripts. So we will be able to capture and replay so it will be possible to have a fully functional test generator.

Don't you think it could introduce major inconsistencies (nothing guarantees a given script runing in firefox would run the same in PhantomJS)?

you are right but i code each phantom methods with chrome ones . and it works FINE.

I'm a newbie in web-extension development, do you know the best way to do test driven development ?

Do you think you could contribute or help ?

Regards, Jef

French - PS: mes amités aux habitants de la ville Rose. :city_sunrise:

ebrehault commented 7 years ago

Ok, sounds nice, I had no idea PhantomJS could run in a browser that easily. I really do not know how to test a Chrome extension, the TTD approach seems difficult to me (but there might be a way I am not aware of).

I do not think I will have time to contribute on your project but feel free to reuse any part of it/fork it/whatever (just be aware the major part of the recorder is a code I have reused myself from an older project, and it is quite old now).

Bonne chance et bon courage :)

jefleponot commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot Eric