ebresie / python4nb

This is a Python Plugin for Netbeans.
Apache License 2.0
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Implement Python platform discovery feature #3

Closed ebresie closed 1 year ago

ebresie commented 2 years ago

The current (0.1) branch leverage default setup and does not provide any means of installation outside of taking to the Python.org website for manual installation.

This issue will be use to track and implement

ebresie commented 2 years ago

This may leverage / integrate with other Python setup frameworks like pyenv and pythonz.

ebresie commented 2 years ago

For virtual environments may integrate with virtual env and/or conda type setup

May want to leverage / integrate with pyenv virtualenv plug-in

ebresie commented 2 years ago

For windows may need to leverage


ebresie commented 2 years ago

May want to consider aspects as discussed here https://eugeneyan.com/writing/setting-up-python-project-for-automation-and-collaboration/

ebresie commented 2 years ago

Making some progress on python discovery. Searching for Jython, Python, Anaconda, and pypy type setups.

Have yet to check in yet due to concern about code based on nbPython so will assess and determine way forward.

Need to determine if a "pythonw" and "python" flavor of discovery should occur. A

ebresie commented 2 years ago

Current development code finds applicable python/pythonw instances and no longer includes some of the secondary elements cached items.

Need to cleanup and check in code.

ebresie commented 1 year ago

Should also note, initial startup will be slow as it tries to search through all of the filesystem for possible python platforms not just those on the path. Need to improve performance on auto discover/search functionality.

Recommend changing this logic to only by called during a "Search" action following initial setup.

Will close this one and raise a newer one for follow up work.

ebresie commented 1 year ago

Have created new ticket to track performance https://github.com/ebresie/python4nb/issues/29