I've been working heavily ember-model (store-less version) for the past 6-8 months and have learned a great deal. I thought that it might be good to find points where ember-model might fail due to user error.
For example I constantly run into issues with HasManyEmbedded objects where I am incorrectly setting properties on a model and the model fails to materialize. The most common error I see with ember-model is:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'reference' of undefined
It's when the model is attempting to materialize:
Ember.EmbeddedHasManyArray = Ember.ManyArray.extend({
materializeRecord: function(idx) {
var klass = get(this, 'modelClass'),
primaryKey = get(klass, 'primaryKey'),
content = get(this, 'content'),
reference = content.objectAt(idx),
if (reference !== undefined) {
attrs = reference.data;
} else {
throw new Error('There was a problem with materializeRecord() on ' +
if (reference.record) {
return reference.record;
} else {
var record = klass.create({ _reference: reference });
reference.record = record;
if (attrs) {
record.load(attrs[primaryKey], attrs);
return record;
Above I added a check on the reference and to throw an error with the model with an issue so I know exactly where to start looking. Is this the best way to go about better informing the user?
I've been working heavily ember-model (store-less version) for the past 6-8 months and have learned a great deal. I thought that it might be good to find points where ember-model might fail due to user error.
For example I constantly run into issues with HasManyEmbedded objects where I am incorrectly setting properties on a model and the model fails to materialize. The most common error I see with ember-model is:
It's when the model is attempting to materialize:
Above I added a check on the reference and to throw an error with the model with an issue so I know exactly where to start looking. Is this the best way to go about better informing the user?