ebtc-protocol / ebtc-multisig

eBTC's EVM multisig operations.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Governance and Timelocks Lens + Mainnet Timelocks rewiring script #31

Closed sajanrajdev closed 4 months ago

sajanrajdev commented 4 months ago

Tackles #30

Introduces the following:

Run with:

brownie run scripts/ebtc_governance_lens.py

Run with:

brownie run scripts/ebtc_timelocks_lens.py
sajanrajdev commented 4 months ago

In addition, the eBTC Class was modified to use the dynamic address book r. This means that the addresses it points to are chosen based on the network in matter. Interfaces are then also chosen dynamically where testnet contracts differ from mainnet.