ebtc-protocol / ebtc-multisig

eBTC's EVM multisig operations.
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feat: steps towards atomic swap and campaign #57

Open petrovska-petro opened 1 month ago

petrovska-petro commented 1 month ago

currently there is a hop that will happen in univ3 given a revert locally, which ill like to confirm that others are able to replicate as well locally


brownie run scripts/merkl_incentive_campaign swap_badger_for_campaign_target

simulation of each self.quoter.quoteExactInput.call in isolation:

gosuto-inzasheru commented 1 month ago

i think i have it working:

# univ3 swap
safe.uni_v3.swap([weth, badger], weth_equivalent_mantissa)
Events In This Transaction
├── Wrapped Ether (0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2)
│   └── Approval
│       ├── owner: 0xB76782B51BFf9C27bA69C77027e20Abd92Bcf3a8
│       ├── spender: 0xE592427A0AEce92De3Edee1F18E0157C05861564
│       └── value: 820480645437611648
├── Badger (0x3472A5A71965499acd81997a54BBA8D852C6E53d)
│   └── Transfer
│       ├── _from: 0x74092c7c0024feeb3839bED5ab6189eeD86ae856
│       ├── _to: 0xB76782B51BFf9C27bA69C77027e20Abd92Bcf3a8
│       └── _amount: 630464077571942589212
├── Wrapped Ether (0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2)
│   └── Transfer
│       ├── from: 0xB76782B51BFf9C27bA69C77027e20Abd92Bcf3a8
│       ├── to: 0x74092c7c0024feeb3839bED5ab6189eeD86ae856
│       └── value: 820480645437611648
├── 0x74092c7c0024feeb3839bED5ab6189eeD86ae856
│   └── Swap
│       ├── sender: 0xE592427A0AEce92De3Edee1F18E0157C05861564
│       ├── recipient: 0xB76782B51BFf9C27bA69C77027e20Abd92Bcf3a8
│       ├── amount0: -630464077571942589212
│       ├── amount1: 820480645437611648
│       ├── sqrtPriceX96: 2848617092885455447719638952
│       ├── liquidity: 6704905905380502881145
│       └── tick: -66514
└── Gnosis Safe (0xB76782B51BFf9C27bA69C77027e20Abd92Bcf3a8)
    └── ExecutionSuccess
        ├── txHash: 0x971f964b2d4089fa6920a724fcf260a4dc689e3021c71de1321853c19022821b
        └── payment: 0

@petrovska-petro and or @sajanrajdev can you confirm you cannot reproduce this? because then your error is probably related to old packages (i got this result on ganache@7, eth-brownie@1.20.5 and brownie-safe@0.9.0)

petrovska-petro commented 1 month ago

@gosuto-inzasheru can you push into another branch or here your pyproject.toml file so we can replicate locally easily?

in the case that bumping all those packages does not encounter the revert and neither breaks other stuff on this repo, i will be on favour on updating the whole packaging deps then

gosuto-inzasheru commented 1 month ago

sure. there are still some issues though; it seems gas price cannot be set to 0 onfork

have a try at this script but then in the following branch: https://github.com/ebtc-protocol/ebtc-multisig/pull/60