ebtc-protocol / ebtc-multisig

eBTC's EVM multisig operations.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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feat: shanghai 🏯 #60

Open gosuto-inzasheru opened 1 month ago

gosuto-inzasheru commented 1 month ago

note this requires ganache v7: https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache/blob/develop/UPGRADE-GUIDE.md

petrovska-petro commented 1 month ago

tried locally w/ this env, seems to go over the swap succesfully, but gets into other issues:

Transaction sent: 0xdb5d983482945c01dc0238cc39ad54ce02db20b868076de4ad715f289f272a7c
  Max fee: 29.747049244 gwei   Priority fee: 1.0 gwei   Gas limit: 12000000   Nonce: 21
  Transaction confirmed   Block: 20083269   Gas used: 27329 (0.23%)   Gas price: 13.576834045 gwei

Running 'scripts/merkl_incentive_campaign.py::swap_badger_for_campaign_target'...



swapping 0.7512668854505671 $weth for $badger

Transaction sent: 0x3bcc0c28e3b4029ef881a6aee06d3afb2f314ade09179e22d4de76b43a31cf19
  Max fee: 26.15366809 gwei   Priority fee: 1.0 gwei   Gas limit: 12000000   Nonce: 1
  IWETH9.approve confirmed   Block: 20083270   Gas used: 46076 (0.38%)   Gas price: 12.011890463 gwei

Transaction sent: 0xc5fbc80fddb581c56d1c2fc10827e52dbe1d7e12e39bd02649e4d7c83f3c9573
  Max fee: 23.023780926 gwei   Priority fee: 1.0 gwei   Gas limit: 12000000   Nonce: 2
  ISwapRouter.exactInput confirmed   Block: 20083271   Gas used: 185182 (1.54%)   Gas price: 10.645974653 gwei

  File "brownie/_cli/run.py", line 51, in main
    return_value, frame = run(
  File "brownie/project/scripts.py", line 110, in run
    return_value = f_locals[method_name](*args, **kwargs)
  File "./scripts/merkl_incentive_campaign.py", line 280, in swap_badger_for_campaign_target
  File "./great_ape_safe/great_ape_safe.py", line 215, in post_safe_tx
    safe_tx, receipt = self._set_safe_tx_gas(
  File "./great_ape_safe/great_ape_safe.py", line 163, in _set_safe_tx_gas
    receipt = self.preview(safe_tx, events, call_trace, reset)

does the ValueError: also raise at your end?

gosuto-inzasheru commented 1 month ago

your copypasta is mssing the value error you are talking about

but no, my run does not raise and goes to completion