ebtc-protocol / ebtc-multisig

eBTC's EVM multisig operations.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Parameter Change Request: [Parameter Change Selected] #63

Closed sajanrajdev closed 1 month ago

sajanrajdev commented 1 month ago

Protocol Parameter Change

Set Redemption Fee Minute Decay Factor

Parameter Value(s)


Justification and Details


Additional Notes

No response


sajanrajdev commented 1 month ago

There was a mis-interpretation with this parameter's value when read from the post, the 0.5 was intended to inform a value euqal to Liquity's so that 50% of the fee value decays in 12hrs or that 75% decays in 24hrs. This means that the decay factor can be derived as: (1/4) = x^1440 - > 0.99904 which is what the system has as default: image

No changes are required.