ebu / OSCIED

Open Source Cloud Infrastructure for Encoding and Distribution
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Do i need haproxy ? when yes i cannot continue. #141

Closed hoeness2 closed 10 years ago

hoeness2 commented 10 years ago

This is the error output.

Copy JuJu environments file & SSH keys to Orchestra charm's deployment path Execute script of scenario Local Launch oscied (minimal setup) locally (LXC provider) Cleanup and bootstrap environment local [WARNING] This will terminate all units deployed into environment local by juju ! do it now ? [y/N]: y WARNING: this command will destroy the "local" environment (type: local) This includes all machines, services, data and other resources.

Continue [y/N]? y State of juju bootstrap machine is pending, time-out in 614 seconds State of juju bootstrap machine is started, time-out in 585 seconds Environment bootstrapped in approximatively 30 seconds Deploy oscied-transform as oscied-transform (ensure 1 instance) do it now ? [y/N]: y Deploy oscied-publisher as oscied-publisher (ensure 1 instance) do it now ? [y/N]: y Deploy oscied-orchestra as oscied-orchestra (ensure 1 instance) do it now ? [y/N]: y Deploy oscied-webui as oscied-webui (ensure 1 instance) do it now ? [y/N]: y Deploy oscied-storage as oscied-storage (ensure 1 instance) do it now ? [y/N]: y Deploy haproxy as haproxy (ensure 1 instance) do it now ? [y/N]: y Traceback (most recent call last): File "Local/scenario.py", line 69, in Local(environments=[OsciedEnvironment(u'local', config=CONFIG, release=u'raring')]).run() File "Local/scenario.py", line 53, in run has_proxy = ensure_num_units(u'haproxy', u'haproxy', expose=True, release=u'precise', required=False)[0] File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pytoolbox/juju.py", line 701, in ensure_num_units local=local, release=release, repository=repository) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pytoolbox/juju.py", line 783, in deploy_units return juju_do(u'deploy', self.name, options=options) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pytoolbox/juju.py", line 110, in juju_do raise RuntimeError(to_bytes(u'Subprocess failed {0} : {1}.'.format(command_string, result[u'stderr']))) RuntimeError: Subprocess failed juju deploy --environment local --num-units 1 --config Local/config.yaml --repository /home/wa/OSCIED/scenarios/current/charms local:precise/haproxy haproxy : ERROR cannot get latest charm revision: charm not found in "/home/wa/OSCIED/scenarios/current/charms": local:precise/haproxy . press enter to continue ...

hoeness2 commented 10 years ago

If i answer it with no then this error comes up.

Deploy haproxy as haproxy (ensure 1 instance) do it now ? [y/N]: n Traceback (most recent call last): File "Local/scenario.py", line 69, in Local(environments=[OsciedEnvironment(u'local', config=CONFIG, release=u'raring')]).run() File "Local/scenario.py", line 53, in run has_proxy = ensure_num_units(u'haproxy', u'haproxy', expose=True, release=u'precise', required=False)[0] TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getitem' press enter to continue ...

davidfischer-ch commented 10 years ago


Just fixed, haproxy is not required, I advice you to not deploy it.

Few weeks ago I tested the local deployment and it failed, the local provider of juju-core is maybe not yet implemented. If you are in trouble with it, please send me an e-mail instead of openning an issue every minute ...