ebu / OSCIED

Open Source Cloud Infrastructure for Encoding and Distribution
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PlugIT: Transform and Publish cannot write back medias #85

Closed the-glu closed 10 years ago

the-glu commented 10 years ago

Task is sucessfully, but media stay at pending. I assume they try to use the API but fail..

Can you check if the API URL used is the right one ?

Thanks !

davidfischer-ch commented 10 years ago

Please restart orchesrator to make sure that code is reloaded !

the-glu commented 10 years ago

Dosen't seem fixed :(

davidfischer-ch commented 10 years ago

I added a call to print for debug purposes into Transform.py of oscied-transform/0. Can you launch tasks and debug by yourself as I am going outside (holidays ...).

Connect to the transform unit and do:

sudo su cd /var/lib/juju/units/oscied-transform-0/charm screen -r (maybe kill screen) nano oscied_lib/Transform.py screen -dmS Transform celeryd -Q transform_private screen -r

the-glu commented 10 years ago

Ok fixed. There was the protection by IP (é_è) and the missing secret in API call.

I passed the real api url using hacks, you will just have to remove hacks and set a nice url in your settings :)

API URL = //action/

The whole application seems ok now :)