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rdfs:label and dcterms:description updated #246

Open aro-max opened 1 year ago

aro-max commented 1 year ago

Translations and enhancement of rdfs:label and dcterms:description is done. We still have some dcterms:description to add:

rdfs:label in English : has audience

rdfs:label in English : Offers service

rdfs:label in English : renders

rdfs:label in English : Alternative title

rdfs:label in English : Bonus

rdfs:label in English : Campaign package

rdfs:label in English : EIDR

rdfs:label in English : IMedia Identifier

rdfs:label in English : ISAN

rdfs:label in English : Normal play time

rdfs:label in English : Outtakes

rdfs:label in English : Promotion

rdfs:label in English : Publication logg

rdfs:label in English : Publication medium

rdfs:label in English : Reminder

rdfs:label in English : Time code

rdfs:label in English : Time code with dropframe

rdfs:label in English : Timeline point

rdfs:label in English : Facebook

rdfs:label in English : Flickr

rdfs:label in English : Instagram

rdfs:label in English : LinkedIn

rdfs:label in English : Twitter

rdfs:label in English : Wikipedia

rdfs:label in English : can access publication channel

rdfs:label in English : can access publication platform

rdfs:label in English : Day

rdfs:label in English : episode number of serial

rdfs:label in English : equivalent time

rdfs:label in English : has agent

rdfs:label in English : has alternative title

rdfs:label in English : has article

rdfs:label in English : has clip

rdfs:label in English : has editorial group

rdfs:label in English : has editorial work

rdfs:label in English : has parent editorial segment

rdfs:label in English : has post

rdfs:label in English : has programme

rdfs:label in English : has promotion

rdfs:label in English : has publication channel

rdfs:label in English : has scene

rdfs:label in English : has serial

rdfs:label in English : has shot

rdfs:label in English : has take

rdfs:label in English : Is covered by

rdfs:label in English : is episode of serial

rdfs:label in English : Month

rdfs:label in English : Start

rdfs:label in English : Transports

rdfs:label in English : day

rdfs:label in English : month

rdfs:label in English : year

rdfs:label in English : after

rdfs:label in English : before

rdfs:label in English : next

rdfs:label in English : precedes

rdfs:label in English : previous

rdfs:label in English : sequential

rdfs:label in English : succeeds

rdfs:label in English : temporal

JuergenGrupp commented 9 months ago

We would recommend to add skos:defintions instead of adding dcterms:descriptions.

Additional observation: "temporal, succeeds, sequential, previous, preceeds, next, before, after" are probably terms we should rather use from xkos, if available.