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Description on role class need update #260

Open tormodv opened 1 year ago

tormodv commented 1 year ago

Role is defined as it was in the previous version, and does not reflect the role as a connector class, aka engagement

JuergenGrupp commented 1 year ago

Good observation! We have not had the time yet to update the dcterms:description when we added skos:definition and skos:example. So in quite a few cases apart from Role the dcterms:description is outdated. If we now review and change them we will probably do that over a period of time, during which we will have already-corrected and not-yet-corrected dcterms:descriptions in the source code. Is this a problem? Should we maybe mark the all with deprecated first, and then rework them step by step and remove the deprecated-flag for each changed property? Or even more basically: What benefit does the dcterm:description add at all above the definition? Could we avod dcterms:description completely? Please discuss!

JuergenGrupp commented 1 year ago

Editorial Committee: The properties are only annotations, so the standard does not change, when they are changed or even removed. Whenever we have a skos:definition and the dcterms:description does not add significant information then we should remove the dcterms:description completely. If dcterms:description does add some important aspect, then we should transfer that to skos:example. We will go forward in steps here and remove or transfer the dcterms:description in to skos:example or skos:definition.

JuergenGrupp commented 2 months ago

The class Role has been replaced by the class Involvement. The meaning of Involvement is clearly defined and consistent. Only some of the annotations, like dcterms:description still use the "Role". But they are not normative and will be corrected later on in the course of further maintenance. Therefore, I remove the tag "bug", and leave it as a matter of "documentation".