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Many object property names are not according to semantic naming conventions and guidelines #299

Open JuergenGrupp opened 3 months ago

JuergenGrupp commented 3 months ago

About a quarter of the object properties are not following conventions or best practices for semantic modelling. The use of naming elements like "is", "has" and "of" is not consistent across the ontology. Some forward properties should rather be named in active voice and deserve inverse properties in passive voice. This is due to historical evolution, especially the merge of CCDM and EBUCore into EBUCorePlus and the use of class restrictions instead of the specification of domain and range. Some examples for current names and their improvements:

The proposal here is to adopt the best practices of semantic naming and change their names. This will result in a non-backward-compatible version of the ontology and hence some effort for adapting software and interfaces. But it will foster easy understanding and consistent use of the ontology in the long run.

The correction effort can be combined with issue #286 : labelling inconsistencies for object properties.

aro-max commented 2 months ago

I propose to list the heuristic rules and review them before applying the changes. as a starting point, some rules for renaming properties.

Prefix with "has" for possessive relationships:

Prefix with "is" for state or existential relationships:

Use of "of" for Inverse Relationships:

Active vs. Passive Voice:

Unify verb tenses and forms:

Specificity in Relationships:

JuergenGrupp commented 2 months ago

Editorial Committee agreed on these rules on April 22. There will be a minimized number of exception to the rules.

aro-max commented 2 months ago

We will share the exceptions for documentation/explanation purpose.