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Index of a track in a MediaRessource #344

Open MarcAntoine-Arnaud opened 4 months ago

MarcAntoine-Arnaud commented 4 months ago

For Resource/Asset with multiple tracks, EBUCoreplus allow to refers a Track to an MediaRessource via has*Track.

       hasVideoTrack vt1
       hasAudioTrack at1
       hasAudioTrack at2

   vt1 a VideoTrack

   at1 a AudioTrack 
      audioChannelNumber 2

   at2 a AudioTrack
      audioChannelNumber 6

But Track does not defines any index/trackIndex field, so basically (as RDF is not orderer). It means we cannot represents if the file is (Video, Stereo, 5.1) or (Stereo, 5.1, Video) or ...