ebuckley / cr-sqlite-go

A simple golang library that exposes the cr-sqlite extension for sqlite
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extend makefile to build and run front end #3

Open gedw99 opened 1 month ago

gedw99 commented 1 month ago

The existing makefile just need a few bin commands so that

gedw99 commented 1 month ago

not quite sure what it needs.

        cd frontend && bun install
        cd frontend/src && bun build ./main.tsx --outdir $(BIN_ROOT)/front

when I run it I get:

cd frontend && bun install
bun install v1.1.10 (5102a944)

+ @types/react@18.2.43
+ @types/react-dom@18.2.17
+ @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@6.14.0
+ @typescript-eslint/parser@6.14.0
+ @vitejs/plugin-react-swc@3.5.0
+ eslint@8.55.0
+ eslint-plugin-react-hooks@4.6.0
+ eslint-plugin-react-refresh@0.4.5
+ typescript@5.3.3
+ vite@5.0.7
+ @bufbuild/buf@1.28.1
+ @bufbuild/protobuf@1.6.0
+ @bufbuild/protoc-gen-es@1.6.0
+ @connectrpc/connect-query@1.0.0
+ @connectrpc/connect-web@1.2.0
+ @connectrpc/protoc-gen-connect-es@1.1.4
+ @tanstack/react-query@5.13.4
+ @vlcn.io/crsqlite-wasm@0.15.2
+ @vlcn.io/react@3.0.3
+ @vlcn.io/rx-tbl@0.14.1
+ react@18.2.0
+ react-dom@18.2.0

185 packages installed [1.63s]

Checked 186 installs across 233 packages (no changes) [62.00ms]
cd frontend/src && bun build ./main.tsx --outdir /Users/apple/workspace/go/src/github.com/gedw99/cr-sqlite-go/.bin/front
16 | import { createPromiseClient } from "@connectrpc/connect";
error: Could not resolve: "@connectrpc/connect". Maybe you need to "bun install"?
    at /Users/apple/workspace/go/src/github.com/gedw99/cr-sqlite-go/frontend/src/App.tsx:16:37
gedw99 commented 1 month ago

called the existing package.json scripts also has the problem of not finding the "@connectrpc/connect" def