eburzlaff / real-estate-app

Real Estate website - Java Maven Project from Enterprise Java class - Madison College
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Final Peer Review #8

Open jonesna213 opened 1 year ago

jonesna213 commented 1 year ago


Final Peer Code Review

Project: Real Estate App

Developer: Eduardo Burzlaff

Reviewer: Navy Jones

Category Criteria Rating/Comments
Project Overview
Which planned functionality has been met? You can sign up, sign in, see properties and there info, find out more info about the site, edit user profile, and reset your password.
What planned functionality has not been met? You cant find properties by name or location (no search functionality), add properties, add property review, edit property or report inaccurate property info. (Gotten from user stories)
Describe the GitHub history and what it demonstrates about the project progress during the semester. After looking at the github history (commits) it seems at the start progress was pretty consistent but then there was almost 3 weeks without any commits. After that it seems to have been consistent again.
Describe how peer and instructor feedback/recommendations were incorporated into the project. It seems that the feedback and reccomendations were all either implemented or planned to be implemented.
Other comments/notes?
Evaluate the JSPs for templating, business logic, data validation, overall look and feel. Overall the jsp's are setup pretty good. I would say to have the whole head be imported and just have the title as a variable. I also noticed that there isnt any data validation.
Other comments/notes?
Java code quality Evaluate the code quality for the following and identify specific areas for improvement (class, method or line number)
  • single-purpose methods
  • well-structured project
  • descriptive naming of packages, classes, methods, variables
  • classes appropriately-sized (no monster classes)
  • CPD (copy paste detection, meaning are the same lines of code repeated?)
  • are there candidates for super/subclass relationships, abstract classes, interfaces?
  • are any values hard-coded that should be in a properties file?
  • proper exception handling
  • proper error reporting to the user
  • code documentation
  • I noticed that you use a class called DaoFactory for the generic dao. Instead of using that I would just do GenericDao dao = new GenericDao The extra class is just unnessessary. But other than that everything looks good.
    Logging Evaluate the use of logging, for example:
  • appropriate use of logging statements in the code for error logging and debugging
  • logging levels used - info, debug, error
  • no occurrences of System.out.printlns or printStackTrace()
  • logging works on AWS deploy
  • Did not find any System.out.printlns or printStackTrace. Other comments/notes?
    Unit Tests Evaluate the unit tests, for example:
  • tests are truly a unit test rather than a high level functional test
  • test data is appropriately cleaned up or handled
  • there is full coverage of methods that perform business logic or utility functions
  • redundant code is eliminated by using set up and tear down methods, i.e., @Before, @After
  • Overall unit tests are good, but I would say to test each of the methods in the GenericDao class so your positive its all working right. I would also say that on your delete tests to test that the user attached to the property is updated accordingly (property not connected to them anymore).
    Other comments/notes?
    Security Evaluate authentication/authorization:
    Is it implemented correctly and working locally as well as on AWS? Cognito is implemnented and working locally aswell as on aws.
    Other comments/notes?
    Web Service/API integration Evaluate the service/api integration, for example:
  • Which service/api is implemented?
  • How is error handling of the service implemented? For example, what happens if the service is not available?
  • N/A
    Other comments/notes?
    Independent research topic What is the independent research topic? Code Academy
    Is the independent research topic/technique implemented in the project? N/A
    Other comments/notes?
    Deployment Has the application been successfully deployed to AWS? Yes
    Is the hosted application fully functioning? Yes
    Other comments/notes?
    pawaitemadisoncollege commented 1 year ago

    Hi @jonesna213! Thanks for your review - it looks like you paid good attention to both what's done well in the project and what can use some attention yet, and did a good job communicating those details here. @eburzlaff I hope this helps you identify what remaining tech and requirements need to be implemented, and also helps you identify areas for polish.