ec-jrc / re3gistry

Re3gistry is a reusable open source solution for managing and sharing ‘reference codes’, ensuring semantic interoperability across organisations.
European Union Public License 1.2
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2.5.2 Bulk import failure #370

Closed TeijoKal closed 3 months ago

TeijoKal commented 4 months ago

I installed the version 2.5.2 and tried the Bilk import feature. The main language is finnish and i tried to import swedish data. Did not work.

When trying to import the swedish data the result is the following:

Näyttökuva 2024-03-08 103627

But the finnish data is there in the system already

Näyttökuva 2024-03-08 103741
unaibrrgn commented 3 months ago

Dear @TeijoKal, i'm sorry to hear that. Could you send me a little insight of the item structure you are using and the exact bulk import sentence you are inputting? At which level are you executing the bulk import process and which are the cointained items etc. Also, looks like the ZoneTypeCode item is also failing. Is the master language missing for this one or is it also failing?

Regards, Unai.

TeijoKal commented 3 months ago

Was trying the Bulk import in the first level of the hierarchy.

Näyttökuva 2024-03-11 112922 Näyttökuva 2024-03-11 113100

And the file was the following:

LocalID|Language|label|definition|collection ErityislaeillaSuojellutRakennusperintokohteet|sv|Byggnadsarvsobjekt skyddade med speciallagstiftning|Byggnadsarvsobjekt skyddade med speciallagstiftning| ZoneTypeCode|sv|Områdestypkod|Högnivåklassificering som definierar typ av område med särskild förvaltning/begränsningar/reglering.|

And the ZoneTypeCode was like the ErityislaeillaSuojellutRakennusperintokohteet. The entry is in finnish in the data but the error says different.

unaibrrgn commented 3 months ago

Dear @TeijoKal, we've been recreating the same error you are facing on our local instance and we haven't had any apparent problem. Could you facilitate us the database dump you are currently working with? We will try and recreate the same process with your data.

Regards, Unai.

TeijoKal commented 3 months ago

Here is the dump of our database (taken with pg_dump)


unaibrrgn commented 3 months ago

Dear @TeijoKal, Reviewing the information that you have been providing us, we noticed that in the last screenshot, there is a button (Bulk Import) that in the v2.5.2 version is different.

The bulk import/edit button has been changed to a generic button (Start bulk process) with a dropdown component for both import/edit that separates both processes and solves bugs in version 2.5.2.

Could you please check that you have installed the correct version? Thanks in advance.

Regards, Unai.

TeijoKal commented 3 months ago

I just installed the Re3gistry again to make sure (version 2.5.2). Installed re3gistry2 and re3gistry2restapi found in the distribution package (/dist directory).

And tried again the Bulk import with the exact same results.

Is there a wrong version published in the v2.5.2 package??

unaibrrgn commented 3 months ago

Dear @TeijoKal, Currently the dist package is out of date. The updated code is located in the sources folder. We are aware of this and will solve this in a forthcoming release.

Sorry for the confusion.

Regards, Unai.