Enables a payer to increase the paid storage of a smart contract by some bytes amount. To increase a contract paid storage via tezos client we can use the following command
$ tezos-client increase the paid storage of <contract> by <amount> bytes from <payer>
Here is an example output
$ tezos-client increase the paid storage of increase_storage_test by 1 bytes from falpha_baker
Node is bootstrapped.
Estimated gas: 1000 units (will add 0 for safety)
Estimated storage: no bytes added
Operation successfully injected in the node.
Operation hash is 'oniyXJPFXgCEBVhVmv875ntRYjSVikRE7odATZzb8BegBbsjrF7'
Waiting for the operation to be included...
Operation found in block: BKn2GpFu1hd2KFhHAiybotaK8VEXVv9KCoDQjag2VhgX3mX7DjN (pass: 3, offset: 1)
This sequence of operations was run:
Manager signed operations:
From: tz1cjyja1TU6fiyiFav3mFAdnDsCReJ12hPD
Fee to the baker: ꜩ0.000347
Expected counter: 12
Gas limit: 1000
Storage limit: 0 bytes
Balance updates:
tz1cjyja1TU6fiyiFav3mFAdnDsCReJ12hPD ... -ꜩ0.000347
payload fees(the block proposer) ....... +ꜩ0.000347
Increase paid storage:
Bytes: : 1
From: tz1cjyja1TU6fiyiFav3mFAdnDsCReJ12hPD
To: KT1SqUeay8FiBfukVJHsLbiN3n8BZeo4BBwd
This paid storage increase was successfully applied
Balance updates:
tz1cjyja1TU6fiyiFav3mFAdnDsCReJ12hPD ... -ꜩ0.00025
storage fees ........................... +ꜩ0.00025
Consumed gas: 1000
According to the K protocol docs, 2 new operations will be introduced with this upgrade https://tezos.gitlab.io/protocols/014_kathmandu.html#operation-receipts
We want to start supporting these operations in Signatory before Mainnet upgrades to Kathmandu.
introduced for VDF revelation. See Randomness generation for more details.
Enables a payer to increase the paid storage of a smart contract by some bytes amount. To increase a contract paid storage via tezos client we can use the following command
Here is an example output