ecadlabs / taquito

A library for building dApps on the Tezos Blockchain - JavaScript / TypeScript
Apache License 2.0
297 stars 117 forks source link

Florence support (All existing features, new protocol features not tracked in this issue) #631

Closed kjaiswal closed 3 years ago

kjaiswal commented 3 years ago
Integration with the florence**noba**net protocol ## Tasks to make sure existing projects using v8 continue to work with v9/florencenet - [x] Setup `florencenet` public nodes ( - [x] Add `florencenet` to the keygen API - [x] Add `florencenet` to integration tests - [x] Add `florencenet` constants ` packages/taquito/src/constants.ts` - [x] Deploy lambda-view contract - [x] Add new protocol to the `ContractView` class for [lambdaView]( - [x] Deploy `knownContract` for tests - [x] Delploy `knownBigMapContract` - [x] Update known baker address `tz1cjyja1TU6fiyiFav3mFAdnDsCReJ12hPD` - [x] Update estimate values form `florencenet` - [x] Add the protocol to the michel-codec package - [x] Add the protocol to the tzip16 package, in the michelson-storage-view.ts - [x] Add GitHub Actions to run florencenet tests from CI
Integration with the falphanet protocol ## Tasks to make sure existing projects using v8 continue to work with v9/falphanet - [x] Setup `falphanet` public nodes ( - [x] Add `falphanet` to the keygen API - [x] Add `falphanet` to integration tests - [x] Add `falphanet` constants ` packages/taquito/src/constants.ts` - [x] Deploy lambda-view contract - [x] Add new protocol to the `ContractView` class for [lambdaView]( - [x] Deploy `knownContract` for tests - [x] Delploy `knownBigMapContract` - [x] Update known baker address `tz1cjyja1TU6fiyiFav3mFAdnDsCReJ12hPD` - [ ] Update estimate values form `falphanet` - [x] Add the protocol to the michel-codec package - [x] Add the protocol to the tzip16 package, in the michelson-storage-view.ts - [x] Add GitHub Actions to run falphanet tests from CI
Integration with the falphanet protocol fbetanet nor florencenet are released yet!

New Features/Functionality - OUT OF SCOPE:

Release tasks



Misc notes

To get the list of protocol hash's supported tezos-admin-client list protocols PsrsRVg1Gycjn5LvMtoYSQah1znvYmGp8bHLxwYLBZaYFf2CEkV proto hash for falphanet, short version PsrsRVg1

Code diff for similar work here.

take this opportunity to add more steps and refine our wiki. We want to :

kjaiswal commented 3 years ago

npm run test:falphanet-faucet

Test Suites: 12 failed, 2 skipped, 32 passed, 44 of 46 total Tests: 18 failed, 68 skipped, 211 passed, 297 total

PASS ./contract-no-annotations-call-by-index.spec.ts (107.069 s) PASS ./contract-originate-token-contract.spec.ts (51.686 s) PASS ./contract-tx-wait-2-confirmations.spec.ts (67.092 s) PASS ./contract-manager-that-calls-failwith-contract.spec.ts (59.543 s) PASS ./tzip16-originate-contracts-with-metadata-on-HTTPS-and-fetch-metadata.spec.ts (121.836 s) PASS ./contract-with-bigmap-init.spec.ts (31.89 s) PASS ./contract-empty-unrevealed-implicit-account.spec.ts (76.62 s) PASS ./contract-pair-as-key.spec.ts (68.723 s) PASS ./multisig-contract-scenario.spec.ts (78.132 s) PASS ./contract-simple-origination.spec.ts (39.721 s) PASS ./contract-collections.spec.ts (115.104 s) PASS ./contract-michelson-origination.spec.ts (30.782 s) PASS ./contract-big-map.spec.ts (29.372 s) PASS ./tzip12-token-metadata.spec.ts (72.178 s) PASS ./tzip16-originate-contracts-with-metadata-on-HTTPS-and-sha256-hash-and-fetch-metadata.spec.ts (74.749 s) PASS ./tzip16-non-compliant-contract.spec.ts (31.261 s) PASS ./contract-originate-contract-with-bool.spec.ts (71.202 s) PASS ./contract-with-bad-code.spec.ts PASS ./contract-origination-wrong-order-code-porps.spec.ts (44.205 s) PASS ./contract-failwith.spec.ts (33.125 s) PASS ./contract-ligo-increment-contract.spec.ts (64.797 s) PASS ./contract-init-with-empty-bigmap.spec.ts (27.993 s) PASS ./contract-empty-delegated-implicit-account.spec.ts (70.594 s) PASS ./contract-empty-revealed-implicit-account.spec.ts (91.327 s) PASS ./tzip16-originate-contracts-with-metadata-on-itself-and-fetch-metadata.spec.ts (65.028 s) PASS ./contract-estimation-tests.spec.ts (31.437 s) PASS ./taquito-rpc.spec.ts PASS ./contract-unit-as-param.spec.ts (55.514 s) PASS ./wallet-api.spec.ts (140.055 s) PASS ./contract-call-with-xtz-amount.spec.ts (82.183 s) PASS ./tzip16-originate-contract-having-metadata-on-IPFS-and-fetch-those.spec.ts (52.888 s) PASS ./contract-big-map-access-by-index.spec.ts (44.322 s)

FAIL ./contract-set-delegate-auto-estimate.spec.ts (6.264 s) ● Test account delegation with estimation using: › delegates account to known baker with automatic estimate FAIL ./local-forging.spec.ts (53.668 s) ● Test local forger: › Should give the same result as when forging with the rpc: Transaction with custom entrypoint ( FAIL ./lambda-view.spec.ts (130.939 s) ● Lambda view using: › Originate FA1.2 contract and fetch data from view entrypoints ● Lambda view using: › Originate a contract and fetch data from view entrypoints ● Lambda view using: › Originate FA2 contract and fetch data from view entrypoints FAIL ./tzip16-originate-fa2-contract-with-metadata-on-HTTPS-and-fetch-metadata.spec.ts (63.56 s) ● Tzip16 metadata and view on a fa2 contract: › Should execute views FAIL ./contract-simple-delegation.spec.ts ● test2 › in delegating its account to a known baker FAIL ./contract-originate-vote-contract.spec.ts (5.032 s) ● Originate a voting contract using: › originates a voting contract and inits the storage FAIL ./contract-originate-contract-unpair.spec.ts (110.508 s) ● Test origination of contract with UNPAIR using: › Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code and init in Michelson ● Test origination of contract with UNPAIR using: › Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code in Michelson and init in JSON Michelson ● Test origination of contract with UNPAIR using: › Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code in Michelson and storage ● Test origination of contract with UNPAIR using: › Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code in JSON Michelson and init in Michelson FAIL ./manager-contract-scenario.spec.ts ● Manager TZ: › test manager transfers scenarios for Babylon/005 FAIL ./wallet-originate-contract-unpair.spec.ts (154.173 s) ● Test origination of a token contract using: › Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code in JSON Michelson and storage FAIL ./tzip16-metadata-view.spec.ts (92.307 s) ● Execute views example from TZComet: › Deploy a contract with metadata having views that return bytes (example taken from TZComet) and call the views ● Execute views example from TZComet: › Deploy a contract with metadata having a couple of views (example taken from TZComet) and call the views FAIL ./batch-api.spec.ts (214.111 s) ● Test batch api using: › Chain contract calls FAIL ./contract-originate-invalid-string.spec.ts (5.824 s) ● Test invalid data for origination using: › fails because non-ascii in init data

kjaiswal commented 3 years ago

Summary of all failing tests FAIL ./contract-originate-invalid-string.spec.ts (5.824 s) ● Test invalid data for origination using: › fails because non-ascii in init data

expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality

Expected: ObjectContaining {"message": StringContaining "invalid_constant"}
Received: {"errors": [{"expected_type": {"prim": "string"}, "id": "proto.009-PsrsRVg1.michelson_v1.ill_typed_data", "ill_typed_expression": {"string": "Copyright ©"}, "kind": "permanent"}, {"expected_type": {"prim": "string"}, "id": "proto.009-PsrsRVg1.michelson_v1.invalid_constant", "kind": "permanent", "location": 0, "wrong_expression": {"string": "Copyright ©"}}, {"expected_form": "a printable ascii string", "id": "proto.009-PsrsRVg1.michelson_v1.invalid_syntactic_constant", "kind": "permanent", "location": 0, "wrong_expression": {"string": "Copyright ©"}}], "id": "proto.009-PsrsRVg1.michelson_v1.invalid_syntactic_constant", "kind": "permanent", "message": "(permanent) proto.009-PsrsRVg1.michelson_v1.invalid_syntactic_constant", "name": "TezosOperationError"}

  30 |           expect(ex).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ message: expect.stringContaining('invalidSyntacticConstantError') }))
  31 |         } else {
> 32 |           expect(ex).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ message: expect.stringContaining('invalid_constant') }))
     |                      ^
  33 |         }
  34 |       }
  35 |       done();

  at contract-originate-invalid-string.spec.ts:32:22
  at step (contract-originate-invalid-string.spec.ts:33:23)
  at Object.throw (contract-originate-invalid-string.spec.ts:14:53)
  at rejected (contract-originate-invalid-string.spec.ts:6:65)

FAIL ./batch-api.spec.ts (214.111 s) ● Test batch api using: › Chain contract calls

TezosOperationError: (permanent) proto.009-PsrsRVg1.michelson_v1.deprecated_instruction

   96 |     })
   97 |
>  98 |     it('Chain contract calls', async (done) => {
      |     ^
   99 |       const op = await Tezos.contract.originate({
  100 |         balance: "1",
  101 |         code: managerCode,

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (batch-api.spec.ts:98:5)

FAIL ./tzip16-metadata-view.spec.ts (92.307 s) ● Execute views example from TZComet: › Deploy a contract with metadata having views that return bytes (example taken from TZComet) and call the views

HttpResponse: Http error response: (400) Failed to parse the request body: Missing object field balance

  14 |      });
  15 |
> 16 |      it('Deploy a contract with metadata having views that return bytes (example taken from TZComet) and call the views', async (done) => {
     |      ^
  17 |          // KT1S5Q7iN9ybuBuJviDYzXf7Mq94ToETwBJS
  18 |
  19 |          const metadataBigMAp = new MichelsonMap();

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (tzip16-metadata-view.spec.ts:16:3)

● Execute views example from TZComet: › Deploy a contract with metadata having a couple of views (example taken from TZComet) and call the views

HttpResponse: Http error response: (400) Failed to parse the request body: Missing object field balance

  60 |      });
  61 |
> 62 |      it('Deploy a contract with metadata having a couple of views (example taken from TZComet) and call the views', async (done) => {
     |      ^
  63 |          // KT18tKt6ysL5QVqLMmwQL5p5Nu6m8KjRbhSb
  64 |          const metadataBigMAp = new MichelsonMap();
  65 |          metadataBigMAp.set("", char2Bytes('tezos-storage:here'));

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (tzip16-metadata-view.spec.ts:62:3)

FAIL ./wallet-originate-contract-unpair.spec.ts (154.173 s) ● Test origination of a token contract using: › Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code in JSON Michelson and storage

HttpRequestFailed: Request to failed

  130 |         });
  131 |
> 132 |         test('Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code in JSON Michelson and storage', async (done) => {
      |         ^
  133 |             const op = await Tezos.wallet.originate({
  134 |                 code: miObject,
  135 |                 storage: {

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (wallet-originate-contract-unpair.spec.ts:132:9)

FAIL ./manager-contract-scenario.spec.ts ● Manager TZ: › test manager transfers scenarios for Babylon/005

HttpRequestFailed: Request to failed

  11 |       done()
  12 |     })
> 13 |     it('test manager transfers scenarios for Babylon/005', async (done) => {
     |     ^
  14 |       const op = await Tezos.contract.originate({
  15 |         balance: "1",
  16 |         code: managerCode,

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (manager-contract-scenario.spec.ts:13:5)

FAIL ./contract-originate-contract-unpair.spec.ts (110.508 s) ● Test origination of contract with UNPAIR using: › Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code and init in Michelson

HttpResponse: Http error response: (500) [{"kind":"temporary","id":"failure","msg":"Error while applying operation opK4NdvoDYXFhcedtAero1FDfa3MkYfBfYDmWdyVqa3vrNFXTe6:\nbranch refused (Error:\n                  Counter 936 already used for contract tz1dNLAaEYAyQyoi6v5WG9qgC3Ck7Z6bL7QA (expected 937)\n)"}]

  12 |         });
  13 |
> 14 |         test('Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code and init in Michelson', async (done) => {
     |         ^
  15 |             const op = await Tezos.contract.originate({
  16 |                 code: miStr,
  17 |                 init: '(Pair 0 "tz1QZ6KY7d3BuZDT1d19dUxoQrtFPN2QJ3hn")'

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (contract-originate-contract-unpair.spec.ts:14:9)

● Test origination of contract with UNPAIR using: › Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code in Michelson and init in JSON Michelson

HttpResponse: Http error response: (500) [{"kind":"temporary","id":"failure","msg":"Error while applying operation opK4NdvoDYXFhcedtAero1FDfa3MkYfBfYDmWdyVqa3vrNFXTe6:\nbranch refused (Error:\n                  Counter 936 already used for contract tz1dNLAaEYAyQyoi6v5WG9qgC3Ck7Z6bL7QA (expected 937)\n)"}]

  36 |         });
  37 |
> 38 |         test('Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code in Michelson and init in JSON Michelson', async (done) => {
     |         ^
  39 |             const op = await Tezos.contract.originate({
  40 |                 code: miStr,
  41 |                 init: { prim: 'Pair', args: [{ int: '0' }, { string: 'tz1QZ6KY7d3BuZDT1d19dUxoQrtFPN2QJ3hn' }] }

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (contract-originate-contract-unpair.spec.ts:38:9)

● Test origination of contract with UNPAIR using: › Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code in Michelson and storage

HttpResponse: Http error response: (500) [{"kind":"temporary","id":"failure","msg":"Error while applying operation opK4NdvoDYXFhcedtAero1FDfa3MkYfBfYDmWdyVqa3vrNFXTe6:\nbranch refused (Error:\n                  Counter 936 already used for contract tz1dNLAaEYAyQyoi6v5WG9qgC3Ck7Z6bL7QA (expected 937)\n)"}]

  60 |         });
  61 |
> 62 |         test('Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code in Michelson and storage', async (done) => {
     |         ^
  63 |             const op = await Tezos.contract.originate({
  64 |                 code: miStr,
  65 |                 storage: {

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (contract-originate-contract-unpair.spec.ts:62:9)

● Test origination of contract with UNPAIR using: › Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code in JSON Michelson and init in Michelson

HttpResponse: Http error response: (500) [{"kind":"temporary","id":"failure","msg":"Error while applying operation ooeM85Lk97skcgzJT9U6T5zCH4pdgVF9Y22AzoHcVxPUmcsQmcP:\nbranch refused (Error:\n                  Counter 937 already used for contract tz1dNLAaEYAyQyoi6v5WG9qgC3Ck7Z6bL7QA (expected 938)\n)"}]

  87 |         });
  88 |
> 89 |         test('Originates a contract having UNPAIR with code in JSON Michelson and init in Michelson', async (done) => {
     |         ^
  90 |             const op = await Tezos.contract.originate({
  91 |                 code: miObject,
  92 |                 init: '(Pair 0 "tz1QZ6KY7d3BuZDT1d19dUxoQrtFPN2QJ3hn")'

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (contract-originate-contract-unpair.spec.ts:89:9)

FAIL ./contract-originate-vote-contract.spec.ts (5.032 s) ● Originate a voting contract using: › originates a voting contract and inits the storage

TezosOperationError: (permanent) proto.009-PsrsRVg1.michelson_v1.deprecated_instruction

  10 |       done()
  11 |     })
> 12 |     it('originates a voting contract and inits the storage', async (done) => {
     |     ^
  13 |       // TODO: probably remove this as very expensive
  14 |       const op = await Tezos.contract.originate({
  15 |         balance: "1",

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (contract-originate-vote-contract.spec.ts:12:5)

FAIL ./contract-simple-delegation.spec.ts ● test2 › in delegating its account to a known baker


Expected substring: "delegate.unchanged"
Received string:    "Http error response: (400) Failed to parse the request body: No case matched:
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of endorsement
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of seed_nonce_revelation
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of endorsement_with_slot
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of double_endorsement_evidence
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of double_baking_evidence
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of activate_account
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of proposals
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of ballot
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of reveal
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of transaction
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of origination
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of origination
  At /delegate:
    Unhandled error (Failure \"Unexpected data (Signature.Public_key_hash)\")
  Missing object field version
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of failing_noop
  At /kind, unexpected string instead of baker_registration"

  30 |       } catch (ex) {
  31 |         //When running tests more than one time with the same faucet key, the account is already delegated to the given delegate
> 32 |         expect(ex.message).toMatch('delegate.unchanged')
     |                            ^
  33 |       }
  34 |       done();
  35 |     });

  at contract-simple-delegation.spec.ts:32:28
  at step (contract-simple-delegation.spec.ts:33:23)
  at Object.throw (contract-simple-delegation.spec.ts:14:53)
  at rejected (contract-simple-delegation.spec.ts:6:65)

FAIL ./tzip16-originate-fa2-contract-with-metadata-on-HTTPS-and-fetch-metadata.spec.ts (63.56 s) ● Tzip16 metadata and view on a fa2 contract: › Should execute views

HttpResponse: Http error response: (400) Failed to parse the request body: Missing object field balance

  413 |       });
  414 |
> 415 |       it('Should execute views', async (done) => {
      |       ^
  416 |          // delphinet: KT1DNapRVdG9t74fzAvXLcKDcgxZd1i1TobV
  417 |          // edonet: KT1XKs56Z8iXpYAD3pzfyXC3B4maJciob74X
  418 |

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (tzip16-originate-fa2-contract-with-metadata-on-HTTPS-and-fetch-metadata.spec.ts:415:7)

FAIL ./lambda-view.spec.ts (130.939 s) ● Lambda view using: › Originate FA1.2 contract and fetch data from view entrypoints

Undefined LambdaContract error: This might happen if you are using a sandbox. Please provide the address of a lambda contract as a parameter of the read method.

  15 |     });
  16 |
> 17 |     it('Originate FA1.2 contract and fetch data from view entrypoints', async done => {
     |     ^
  18 |       const mapAccount1 = new MichelsonMap();
  19 |       mapAccount1.set('tz1h3rQ8wBxFd8L9B3d7Jhaawu6Z568XU3xY', '25');
  20 |       mapAccount1.set('tz1Nu949TjA4zzJ1iobz76fHPZbWUraRVrCE', '25');

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (lambda-view.spec.ts:17:5)

● Lambda view using: › Originate a contract and fetch data from view entrypoints

Undefined LambdaContract error: This might happen if you are using a sandbox. Please provide the address of a lambda contract as a parameter of the read method.

  61 |
  62 |
> 63 |     it('Originate a contract and fetch data from view entrypoints', async done => {
     |     ^
  64 |
  65 |       const mapAccount2 = new MichelsonMap();
  66 |       mapAccount2.set('tz1gvF4cD2dDtqitL3ZTraggSR1Mju2BKFEM', '25');

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (lambda-view.spec.ts:63:5)

● Lambda view using: › Originate FA2 contract and fetch data from view entrypoints

Undefined LambdaContract error: This might happen if you are using a sandbox. Please provide the address of a lambda contract as a parameter of the read method.

  105 |
  106 |
> 107 |     it('Originate FA2 contract and fetch data from view entrypoints', async done => {
      |     ^
  108 |
  109 |       const bigMapLedger = new MichelsonMap();
  110 |       bigMapLedger.set('tz1c1X8vD4pKV9TgV1cyosR7qdnkc8FTEyM1', {

  at new Spec (node_modules/@jest/core/node_modules/jest-jasmine2/build/jasmine/Spec.js:116:22)
  at Suite.<anonymous> (lambda-view.spec.ts:107:5)

FAIL ./local-forging.spec.ts (53.668 s) ● Test local forger: › Should give the same result as when forging with the rpc: Transaction with custom entrypoint (

expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality

Expected: "a99b946c97ada0f42c1bdeae0383db7893351232a832d00d0cd716eb6f66e5616c0035e993d8c7aaa42b5e3ccd86a33390ececc73abd904e010a0ae80701609b26857d9053ecda49f13369a3c8908abc30ef00ff0500000018070707070a000000020202008a03010000000568656c6c6f"
Received: "a99b946c97ada0f42c1bdeae0383db7893351232a832d00d0cd716eb6f66e5616c0035e993d8c7aaa42b5e3ccd86a33390ececc73abd904e010a0ae80701609b26857d9053ecda49f13369a3c8908abc30ef00ffff046d61696e00000018070707070a000000020202008a03010000000568656c6c6f"

  15 |                 const result = await localForger.forge(operation);
  16 |                 const rpcResult = await Tezos.rpc.forgeOperations(operation);
> 17 |                 expect(result).toEqual(rpcResult);
     |                                ^
  18 |                 expect(await localForger.parse(result)).toEqual(expected || operation);
  19 |                 done();
  20 |             });

  at local-forging.spec.ts:17:32
  at step (local-forging.spec.ts:33:23)
  at (local-forging.spec.ts:14:53)
  at fulfilled (local-forging.spec.ts:5:58)

FAIL ./contract-set-delegate-auto-estimate.spec.ts (6.264 s) ● Test account delegation with estimation using: › delegates account to known baker with automatic estimate


Expected substring: "delegate.unchanged"
Received string:    "(temporary) proto.009-PsrsRVg1.delegation.unchanged"

  24 |       } catch (ex) {
  25 |         //When running tests more than one time with the same faucet key, the account is already delegated to the given delegate
> 26 |         expect(ex.message).toMatch('delegate.unchanged')
     |                            ^
  27 |       }
  28 |       done();
  29 |     });

  at contract-set-delegate-auto-estimate.spec.ts:26:28
  at step (contract-set-delegate-auto-estimate.spec.ts:33:23)
  at Object.throw (contract-set-delegate-auto-estimate.spec.ts:14:53)
  at rejected (contract-set-delegate-auto-estimate.spec.ts:6:65)
roxaneletourneau commented 3 years ago

Running the integration test contract-register-delegate.spec.ts give the following error: (temporary) proto.009-PsrsRVg1.operation.not_an_active_consensus_key