Open copolycube opened 3 years ago
This is likely caused by the ACLs introduced in one of the latest version of Octez.
You need to add the requested endpoints to an allow-list or you can add the --allow-all-rpc
parameter to tezos-node run
You can find more info in the official docs here
Hello, thanks @danielelisi for your answer. if that was the case then the error would be the same on mainnet, no ?
as you can see here : the octez tezos node is already launched with the --allow-all-rpc
command: tezos-node --net-addr :${node_port_p2p} --rpc-addr :${node_port_rpc} --network ${tezos_net} --history-mode=archive --allow-all-rpc :${node_port_rpc}
and both node
and tezos-node-exporter
are on the same docker network (i.e. node
I might be missing something obvious, but I'm not sure what :-/
if that was the case then the error would be the same on mainnet, no ?
Which Octez version are you running on mainnet?
Can you try specifying the bind address as${node_port_rpc}
for both your --rpc-addr
and -allow-all-rpc
all my octez nodes (mainnet, granadanet, hangzhounet) are running with node_docker_image=tezos/tezos:v11.0
adding the
to rpc-addr
and allow-all-rpc
, with the following command in docker-compose :
image: ${node_docker_image}
hostname: node
command: tezos-node --net-addr :${node_port_p2p} --rpc-addr${node_port_rpc} --network ${tezos_net} --history-mode=rolling --allow-all-rpc${node_port_rpc}
makes the following logs in tezos-node-exporter
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T16:53:35.339430882Z time="2021-11-24T16:53:35Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Operation.contents of type map[string]interface {}" pool=branch_delayed
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T16:53:35.342599780Z time="2021-11-24T16:53:35Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Operation.contents of type map[string]interface {}" pool=branch_refused
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T16:53:35.342933518Z time="2021-11-24T16:53:35Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Operation.contents of type map[string]interface {}" pool=refused
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T16:53:35.342958097Z time="2021-11-24T16:53:35Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Operation.contents of type map[string]interface {}" pool=applied
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:02:27.548435032Z time="2021-11-24T17:02:27Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Operation.contents of type map[string]interface {}" pool=branch_refused
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:02:27.550979823Z time="2021-11-24T17:02:27Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Operation.contents of type map[string]interface {}" pool=applied
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:02:27.551284432Z time="2021-11-24T17:02:27Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Operation.contents of type map[string]interface {}" pool=refused
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:02:27.552041323Z time="2021-11-24T17:02:27Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Operation.contents of type map[string]interface {}" pool=branch_delayed
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:06:55.195410030Z time="2021-11-24T17:06:55Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="Get \"http://node:18732/chains/main/mempool/monitor_operations?branch_refused\": dial tcp connect: connection refused" pool=branch_refused
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:06:55.195427394Z time="2021-11-24T17:06:55Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="Get \"http://node:18732/chains/main/mempool/monitor_operations?branch_delayed\": dial tcp connect: connection refused" pool=branch_delayed
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:06:55.512968089Z time="2021-11-24T17:06:55Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="Get \"http://node:18732/chains/main/mempool/monitor_operations?refused\": dial tcp connect: connection refused" pool=refused
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:06:55.657465093Z time="2021-11-24T17:06:55Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="Get \"http://node:18732/chains/main/mempool/monitor_operations?applied\": dial tcp connect: connection refused" pool=applied
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:07:02.181104185Z time="2021-11-24T17:07:02Z" level=error msg="error getting bootstrap status" error="Get \"http://node:18732/monitor/bootstrapped\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:07:02.183299887Z time="2021-11-24T17:07:02Z" level=error msg="error getting bootstrap status" error="Get \"http://node:18732/chains/main/is_bootstrapped\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:09:25.388884463Z time="2021-11-24T17:09:25Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Operation.contents of type map[string]interface {}" pool=branch_delayed
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:09:25.388905646Z time="2021-11-24T17:09:25Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Operation.contents of type map[string]interface {}" pool=branch_refused
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:09:25.389254355Z time="2021-11-24T17:09:25Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Operation.contents of type map[string]interface {}" pool=refused
tezos-node-exporter_1 | 2021-11-24T17:09:25.389276503Z time="2021-11-24T17:09:25Z" level=error msg="error monitoring mempool operations" error="json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field Operation.contents of type map[string]interface {}" pool=applied
could it be linked to ?
the tezos-node exporter is currently failing on both testnets
mainnet : healthy but 401 errors
with the following logs
Granadanet KO
with the following logs
Hangzhounet KO
hangzhounet_tezos-node-exporter_1 /usr/bin/tezos_exporter -- ... Up (unhealthy)>9489/tcp,:::9491->9489/tcp
with the following logs
config used
docker image
image: ecadlabs/tezos_exporter:v0.0.1-beta.14
as defined in umami-stack-orchestration : you have any recommendations as to what modify in the docker-compose orchestration to make sure it works correctly, feel free to suggest them !
Thanks in advance for your help !