ecamp / ecamp3

eCamp v3 is a web-based app for camp and course planning. The application is specialized for camps and courses of youth associations and for Y+S offers in the sport of camp sports/trekking.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
109 stars 48 forks source link

frontend: replace vite-plugin-vue2-svg with vite-plugin-svg4vue #5173

Open BacLuc opened 2 weeks ago

BacLuc commented 2 weeks ago

Because vite-plugin-vue2-svg does not support vue3. Only worked when converting vite.config.js to an esm file by renaming it to .mjs. vite-plugin-svg4vue is not the most popular package for this, this would be, but that does not support vue2.

Issue: #5121

We can also wait to merge this short before we want to upgrade to vue3.

Also fixes

github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Feature branch deployment ready!

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Last deployed at Sun May 26 2024 17:03:31 GMT+0200
Latest commit 7040930bb05f157347e42104736b21b0fc8de907
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BacLuc commented 6 days ago

Seems not to work on deployment


I hoped we would get away without v-html. It seems not


usu commented 6 days ago

Seems not to work on deployment image

I hoped we would get away without v-html. It seems not


Did the ?component method not work? Or why do we need to use ?raw and v-html?

BacLuc commented 4 days ago

Why do we want to use this plugin when we can just replace the plugin once we move to vue3? The vue3 one looks like a drop in replacement for our current one

I am not a fan of big rewrites. If you change a lot of things, you have to test a lot of things. Then you forget to test something, and all devs have to work with a broken main branch. My goal ist to keep the changes for the upgrade to vue3 as small as possible, that we have a working vue3 setup with as little effort and complications as possible. And then we can work separately to improve the different parts.