ecamp / ecamp3

eCamp v3 is a web-based app for camp and course planning. The application is specialized for camps and courses of youth associations and for Y+S offers in the sport of camp sports/trekking.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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DRAFT: Create new color picker #5174

Open manuelmeister opened 2 weeks ago

manuelmeister commented 2 weeks ago

I tried to create a color field on the campCollaboration to be able to differentiate between users with (accidental) same colors. In the process of this, I realized that our colorpicker is not able to handle null values. I thought it would be best to implement the new colorpicker using the EParseField.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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manuelmeister commented 2 weeks ago

@carlobeltrame sorry this is not yet fully reviewable. Of course my goal is to replace the other colorpicker and have it completed to parity with the current one. I'll notify you when I'm ready.

The old api-colorpicker apparently happily saves #asdfas as category color, and the category color input isn't displayed anymore from then on. Could we make sure to fix this in the new picker?

yes should be fixed

manuelmeister commented 2 weeks ago

@carlobeltrame I figured, I'd rather have a separate color field that has no popup, just a text field and add a separate component with the picker. As soon as I fixed the tests, I'll replace the old color picker with the new one.