ecamp / ecamp3

eCamp v3 is a web-based app for camp and course planning. The application is specialized for camps and courses of youth associations and for Y+S offers in the sport of camp sports/trekking.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
109 stars 48 forks source link

chore(deps): update dependency phpstan/phpstan to v1.11.0 #5175

Closed renovate[bot] closed 2 weeks ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
phpstan/phpstan 1.10.67 -> 1.11.0 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

phpstan/phpstan (phpstan/phpstan) ### [`v1.11.0`]( [Compare Source]( [**Read the article about PHPStan 1.11 on Β»**]( # Major new features πŸš€ - **Error identifiers** - A way to categorize reported errors by a stable identifier. Up until now you had to use specific and ever-changing error messages - Can be used for [ignoring specific errors locally]( with new `@phpstan-ignore` comment (uses current or next line automatically) - Can be used for [ignoring specific errors in `ignoreErrors`]( section of your configuration file (phpstan.neon) - Can be used in [output formatters]( - Can be seen in PHPStan Pro GUI or in TableErrorFormatter with `-v` - Catalogue with source code links: - **PHPStan Pro Reboot** - A new migration wizard will effortlessly migrate all your `@phpstan-ignore-line` and `@phpstan-ignore-next-line` to the new `@phpstan-ignore` comment style with error identifiers. The old comment style is dangerous because it ignores all errors, current and future, on that line. - Revamped UI for much more comfortable viewing and browsing of reported errors - The new UI also lets you **browse ignored errors**, from `ignoreErrors`, from your baseline and also ignored locally in source code using comments - Streaming errors during launch: You don't have to wait for the analysis to complete, you can see errors as they come in during the analysis - Support for mapping file paths to the host filesystem when running in Docker or remotely - Try it out by running PHPStan with `--pro` CLI option - PHPDoc tags describing callable lifecycle: `@param-immediately-invoked-callable`, `@param-later-invoked-callable` - Useful for exception analysis ( and `@phpstan-pure` - PHPDoc tag `@param-closure-this` to describe what `$this` is bound to in a passed closure - Two new config options around stricter offset checks in arrays ([#​3028](, [#​7553](, thanks [@​ttomdewit](! - `reportPossiblyNonexistentGeneralArrayOffset` - `reportPossiblyNonexistentConstantArrayOffset` - [Learn more in the documentation]( # Bleeding edge πŸ”ͺ - Checking truthiness of `@phpstan-pure` above functions and methods - Check `new`/function call/method call/static method call on a separate line without any side effects even without `@phpstan-pure` PHPDoc tag on the declaration side - - [#​3020](, thanks [@​staabm](! - [#​3022](, thanks [@​staabm](! - [#​3023](, thanks [@​staabm](! - BetterNoopRule - take advantage of impure points (, [#​10389]( - Run missing type check on `@param-out` ( - CallToConstructorStatementWithoutSideEffectsRule - report class with no constructor ( - Deprecated: returning plain strings as errors, use RuleErrorBuilder - Learn more: [Using RuleErrorBuilder to enrich reported errors in custom rules]( - Deprecated: returning RuleError without identifier ( *If you want to see the shape of things to come and adopt bleeding edge features early, you can include this config file in your project's `phpstan.neon`:* includes: - vendor/phpstan/phpstan/conf/bleedingEdge.neon *Of course, there are no backwards compatibility guarantees when you include this file. The behaviour and reported errors can change in minor versions with this file included. [Learn more](* # Improvements πŸ”§ - Generic RuleErrorBuilder ( - Deprecate `checkMissingIterableValueType: false` and `checkGenericClassInNonGenericObjectType: false` in favour of ignoring via identifiers ( - Deprecate old NoopRule - replaced by BetterNoopRule in bleeding edge ( - Allow ignoring errors from CollectedDataNode with local comments ( - Introduce `new` type ([#​3050](, [#​9704](, thanks [@​ruudk](! - RuleTestCase - fail on PHP warnings, notices etc. ([#​3030](, thanks [@​janedbal](! - Check duplicate assignment of redeclared promoted readonly properties ([#​3049](, [#​8101](, [#​9863](, [#​9864](, thanks [@​schlndh](! - Remove line from "nikic/php-parser" error message ([#​2845](, thanks [@​mvorisek](! - Stub validator - PHPStan classes are known without extra stubs ( - Stub validator - PhpParser classes are known without extra stubs ( - CheckstyleErrorFormatter - include error identifier in source attribute (, [#​1205]( - BaselinePhpErrorFormatter - error identifiers in comments ( - `RuleErrorBuilder::file()` - file path needs to exist ( - AbstractMethodInNonAbstractClassRule - better error message for enums ( - Fixed Xdebug spelling ([#​2746](, thanks [@​derickr](! - Track invalidated `$this` and used variables after invoking closure ([#​2980]( - Support `@phan-` prefixes on recognized PHPDoc tags ([#​3000](, thanks [@​anomiex](! - `pure-callable` and `pure-Closure` PHPDoc types ( - `highlight_string()` flips side-effects depending on $return ([#​3021](, thanks [@​staabm](! - Improve types for predefined constants ([#​3054](, thanks [@​zonuexe](! # Bugfixes πŸ› - Make `AccessoryNonFalsyStringType::toInteger()` return `IntegerType` instead of non-zero ([#​3018](, [#​10893](, thanks [@​zonuexe](! - Filter scope by non-empty array after foreach regardless of `polluteScopeWithAlwaysIterableForeach` ([#​3029](, [#​10922](, thanks [@​VincentLanglet](! - Preserve large arrays with same keys through union ([#​3032](, [#​9397](, [#​10080](, thanks [@​schlndh](! - Fix `count($x) > $n === true` negation ([#​3037](, [#​10952](, thanks [@​rvanvelzen](! - Fix NAN not accepting NAN ([#​3036](, [#​10956](, [#​10297](, thanks [@​rvanvelzen](! - DateTimeInstantiationRule - fix error message for `new` with wrong name case ( - Process ConstFetch ( - Fix `preg_match_all` behaviour with no flags ( - `file_get_contents` is an impure function ( - Fix `ClosureType::equals()` ( - Use statement result of analysed anonymous class to inform about throw points and impure points ( - Filter out implicit throw points from callables when `exceptions.implicitThrows: false` ([#​3016](, thanks [@​janedbal](! - Fix `ConstantArrayType::hasOffsetValueType()` for offset union type where all types are valid ( - `non-empty-list` always has offset 0 ( - Narrow to `non-empty-string`/`non-falsey-string` after `mb_strlen()` ([#​3038](, thanks [@​staabm](! - Implement `Type::isOffsetAccessLegal()` to detect offset access that crashes even in `isset()` ([#​3045](, [#​8393](, [#​10926](, thanks [@​rajyan](! - Specify types on `match()` condition correctly ([#​3053](, [#​10974](, [#​9694](, thanks [@​rvanvelzen](! - `json_decode` with force array flag: subtract all objects, not just stdClass ([#​3052](, thanks [@​rajyan](! - Fix `strlen($x) > $n === true` negation ([#​3040](, thanks [@​staabm](! - Support multi-byte string function variants ([#​3039](, thanks [@​staabm](! - Final scope from `Continue_` points should not be used for `while (true)` ([#​3057](, [#​10980](, thanks [@​greew](! - Fix enum performance problem ([#​3062](, [#​3060](, [#​10979](, thanks [@​staabm](! - NULL and null as a property default value are treated differently when overriding a parent property ([#​3063](, [#​10987](, thanks [@​staabm](! # Function signature fixes πŸ€– - Make the url key of metadata returned by `stream_get_meta_data()` optional ([#​3024](, [#​10887](, thanks [@​hirokinoue](! - Narrow `Closure::bind` `$newScope` param ([#​2817](, thanks [@​mvorisek](! - Infer object type mysqli_fetch_object ([#​2675]( ([#​2675](, thanks [@​staabm](! - Fix `Imagick::identifyImage()` return type ([#​3017](, thanks [@​SVillette](! # Internals πŸ” - Clean up old identifiers and metadata ( - Delete StatementOrderVisitor that is no longer needed ( - Introduce `ClassReflection::getClassTypeDescription()` ( - Fix classname typo in tests ([#​2461](, thanks [@​szepeviktor](! - Fix various typos ([#​2463](, thanks [@​szepeviktor](! - Added text regarding patch issues during installation ([#​2670](, thanks [@​mt-satak](! - Fix typo in ArgumentsNormalizer ([#​2705](, thanks [@​mad-briller](! - Rich PHPDoc for ExceptionTypeResolver ( - Hide internal commands ([#​2833](, thanks [@​rvanvelzen](! - Test invalidated object in static closure ([#​2981](, thanks [@​staabm](! - PHPDoc: address multiple variables defined in one [@​param]( ([#​3001](, thanks [@​Muqsit](! - Do not assume every contributor uses PhpStorm ( - TypeInferenceTestCase: ability to disable implicit throws ([#​3015](, thanks [@​janedbal](! - Slightly reduce comparing and calling methods for trivial optimizations ([#​3004](, [#​10926](, thanks [@​zonuexe](! - AnalyserResultFinalizer - DRY of running CollectedDataNode rules ( - Introduce LocalIgnoresProcessor ( - Introduce `RuleErrorBuilder::treatPhpDocTypesAsCertainTip()` for a bit more DRYness ([#​3035](, thanks [@​axlon](! - Make ResultCacheEndToEndTest pass level 9 ([#​3055](, [#​10977](, thanks [@​AJenbo](! - ClassReflection - cache enum cases (, [#​10979](


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This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

renovate[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Branch automerge failure

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